
Hair Diary: Jenya W.

11:29 AM

When and why did you decide to go natural?

I had my hair relaxed at 15, colored at 16 and my hair dresser had to chop the damage at 17. I felt a bit devastated because I went from shoulder length hair to a length above my chin. Even though most of my damage was cut off, my hair was still damaged due to the bleach I used in my hair.  My hair dresser knew how much I loved hair with body so she suggested I started using weaves in my hair. I made my official decision to go natural about 2 years later (last year). After weaving my hair religiously, I noticed that all my perm grew out and I had a lengthy head of natural hair. I still had some hair styles to try, lol, so I continued weaving and had my last perm August 2009. I thought the BC was just too much for me so I chose to continue transitioning using curly weaves and kinky twists. I officially let my real hair out to the world May 2010. Before my hair's "debut," I practically immersed myself in natural hair info. I used to always wonder how do I wear my natural hair and still have a mature look? That thought is what made me very apprehensive at first but after reading up on blogs, I could not wait to just start messing with my own hair again.  

Were your friends and family supportive of your decision? If not, how were you able to move forward?

At first my mom would say "Your hair looked so nice before." But when she seen how many cute styles I could pull off she finally opened up to it.  I don't change my mind easily so her complaints never fazed me. Most of my friends were very supportive about it because my close circle of friends all were either natural or transitioning. My dread-lock boyfriend edged me on as well.

What is your current hair routine?

My naked hair does not have much curl definition as I would like so I do twist out and braid outs all the time. After searching natural blogs such as this one concerning low manipulation, I usually leave a twist out for 2-3 days before retouching, unless I have an event to attend or I leave my hair in twists for days and just wear cute hats to cover it.  I have been co-washing and/or deep conditioning my hair once a coconut oil, castor oil, olive oil, and sweet almond oil (lol so many), I spray my hair until it is saturated, then put on a setting cap and a winter hat over it to use my natural body heat to "activate" the oils in my hair. My scalp is super dry so I use this method as often as possible.  For styling I use either Cantu Shea Butter Growth Treatment or Bee Mine Styling Butter Island Mango scent (after you talked about it on your blog). I also use those products for detangling.

Do you have any hair goals? What steps are you taking to achieve them?

I want long hair. Its just that simple. I love hair with length and body and that is the reason why I started weaving my hair in the first place.  To get there I have been really trying to style my hair less often, using oils and other hair products that promote healthy hair and when the winter months arrive I do plan to either use wigs or weaves to avoid manipulating my hair too often and to hide it away from the harsh winter weather. 

What new styles or techniques have you learned this year?

In the matter of 3 months I have learned so much!! I frequent this site called Natural Sunshine, which I call the myspace for naturals, and i get so many style ideas.  I am obsessed with coming up with new styles for myself of just achieving doing the ones that look difficult.  I found new oils and hair products to use that work for my hair.  Its so easy to get caught up in using a million products but I have been able to find my own hair routine. I have also grown to appreciate hair accessories.  A bad hair days can be easily changed by just sweeping it to the side and adding a flower or feather to decorate. 

What is your definition of "good" hair?

The term "good hair" is an ideology that unfortunately we ethnic people fall into all the time. I believe good hair is manageable healthy hair. The texture can go from course to fine but ones the hair can withstand the usual daily stresses, I consider it to be "good hair"  

How has your perception of beauty changed since going natural?

I used to be obsessed with relaxed, long hair. And if I didn't have it on my head it was just simple for me to just add some tracks to it to achieve what I wanted. Most of the styles I wanted were styles I had seen on white celebrities.  Now that I am natural I have grown to appreciate the natural hair God has blessed black women with, such as myself.  Now I cant get over seeing other women with their natural hair of any length or texture. To me it makes a statement of stepping away from conformity and showing our true colors.  It has allowed me to grow a new appreciation for being Black and the culture I had ignored.

Curly girls have more fun because....we can wear our hair carefree without worrying about nature elements affecting our curly do's!

Very nice sis, thanks for sharing :-) -KKQ

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