
Niecey Poo's Flat Twists & My Hair Update

3:05 PM

After much practice, I think I finally have the flat twist look down! It's been the one style that has frustrated me so much, because I can't do it on my own head. So the other day I grabbed my niece, who has been puffin it up all summer long, and began twisting.I t took me a couple tries to get into it, but after one nap and two movies I had accomplished the flat twist. I used Blue Magic on her scalp, BB Hair Lotion w/ Castor Oil and a little gel for hold. I didn't want to waste my good stuff on just a practice look, so next time I use Bee Mine's Hair Milk and some gel instead. Here's the outcome....

My Hair Update
For all the length lovers out there who asked me to measure my hair, here are the measurements....

  • Front - 13 in
  • Top - 14 in
  • Side/Temple - 12 in
  • Middle Back - 12.5 in
  • Back/Nape - 12 in
Not bad for a self trimmer :-)
I'm also trying to challenge myself in the following ways...
  • Drink More Water- This will be very hard for me. I love juice and teas, but my lack of water intake has not been so good for my skin. i really need to get my pores down to normal size lol! And I'm certain that my hair will benefit to me drinking more water also.
  • Take My Vitamins...Everyday - I hate vitamins, but I know the body needs it. I currently have Nutrilite Women's Packs. The packs consist of 1 daily multi, 1 Cal Mag D, 1 Hair Skin and Nails Complex, and 1 Ocean Essential Balanced Health vitamin. I received these earlier this year from Youtube vlogger DontUWishUKu, and I started taking them and then I just stopped. I buried them in my kitchen cabinet and forgot all about them, until recently. I have about 15 packs left, so I'm going start taking them again. I'll reorder more once I run out. Also, when I was taking them before I would throw away the Hair Skin and Nails vitamin, because it contains biotin and it has broken my face out in the past. But I think now that I'll be actually drinking more water I can curve this affect ...I'l keep you guys updated.
  • No More Trimming - I've been a bit scissor happy this year and it's time to cut back. The only cutting I'll do is to get rid of single strand knots. I'll measure my hair again at the end of the year for the length lovers!
I'll keep you guys update on my success with this little challenge. Join me if you would like too :-)
Also I was bored the other day and decided to try out NaturalChica's hair bow tutorial, here's my results lol!

Super easy..super cute!

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