- 12:23 PM
I Love Love LOVE these looks!!To read more about this new line for ASOS check out the link! http://clutchmagonline.com/newsgossipinfo/asos-presents-asos-africa-collection
- 12:32 PM
Miko & Titi of Miss Jessie's met up with the women of NaturallyCurly.com to give thanks, discuss their journey and talk curly hair of course. And if you look closely you'll spot Natural Chica getting some dry twists. Enjoy ♥
- 12:30 PM
If your asking yourself " Who the heck is Anthony Dickey" let me fill you in. Anthony is an author, curly/kinky/wavy hair guru and celebrity stylist to hair idols like, Sarah Jessica Parker, Alicia Keys, Michelle Obama and Kelis. And on top of all that he is the creator of the Hair Rules hair care line. Saturday afternoon he took to his Twitter page to answer a few hair questions and here are some of the responses that caught my eye...
"Women across the board have issues with their hair"
"Shampoos were originally developed for women with straight hair who wanted volume"
"If you have natural hair you should run to water - not away from it!"
"Kinky and curly textured hair is drier and tangles more, but it grows just like any other texture"
"The idea is to treat your hair like a cashmere sweater and care for it that way"
"The rule of thumb with wash and wear hair is to rinse & condition about every 3 days. For twist outs not later than 7 days"
When asked " what products do you recommend for hair growth "? He answered "No such thing, a haircut and not drying out the hair helps hair grow".
And here's a little something for all the product junkies out there ♥
Have you tried Hair Rules products?? If so, what did you try and how did you like it.
- 10:51 AM
Not sure how matter of fact this list is, but its an interesting read I spotted over at www.WebMD.com. Here's a preview of what author Hilary Parker considers good food for good hair. Enjoy ♥
"Lather, rinse, repeat" may be standard advice, but shampoo and conditioner alone won't give you the healthy hair you crave. For the most luxurious locks possible, you'll need to step out of the shower, and into the kitchen.
"Your hair grows about 1/4 to 1/2 inch every month, and the foundation of all of our new hair, skin, and nail growth is the nutrients we eat," says Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, a Chicago-based dietitian. "If you eat a healthy diet, you will grow stronger and healthier cells throughout your entire body -- inside and out."
If you were born with fine, thin hair, you'll never have rope-thick tresses -- no matter what you eat -- but a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of growth-promoting protein and iron can make a difference, say nutrition and hair experts.
And beware of dietary supplements often marketed to thicken hair or make it grow faster. They may backfire.
"Even though you can find beauty supplements on the shelves of most stores, try to get the nutrients you need from foods whenever possible," Paradi Mirmirani, MD, a dermatologist in Vallejo, Calif., tells WebMD. "In rare instances, excess supplementation of certain nutrients, such as vitamin A, has been linked to hair loss."
Healthy Hair Food No. 1: Salmon
When it comes to foods that pack a beauty punch, it's hard to beat salmon. Loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, this high-quality protein source is also filled with vitamin B-12 and iron.
"Essential omega-3 fatty acids are needed to support scalp health," says Andrea Giancoli, MPH, RD, a dietitian in Los Angeles and a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. "A deficiency can result in a dry scalp and thus hair, giving it a dull look."
Vegetarian? Include one or two tablespoons of ground flaxseed in your daily diet for some plant-based omega-3 fats.
The Big Picture: A Balanced Diet for Healthy Hair
When it comes to foods for healthy hair and beauty, variety is the best way to go.
"An overall balanced diet of lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fatty fish like salmon and low-fat dairy will help keep hair healthy," Giancoli says.
If you're tempted to drop pounds fast with the latest fad diet, it could leave you with less-than-healthy hair -- along with a growling stomach. Low-calorie diets are often low in some of the most important nutrients for healthy hair, including omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and vitamin A. In addition to stunting hair growth and leading to dullness, super-low calorie plans may even cause hair loss.
"Crash diets can affect the hair cycle," Mirmirani tells WebMD. "Losing a significant amount of weight in a short amount of time can affect that normal hair rhythm. Two to three months later, you might notice a significant increase in shedding. This is a temporary problem that you recover from with a well-rounded diet."
To read the full article click here!
- 2:42 PM
I've been wearing my locks straight for a full week now and I miss my kinks terribly. Don't get me wrong the straight hair is a nice switch up from my regular look, but I think I forgot just how high maintenance straight hair can be. Trying to maintain a sleek look with the rain, wind and slight humidity is a full time job LOL! I never really worry about those kinds of things when I'm rocking my natural, and for the most part those things only enhance my natural texture. But with all that being said I still managed to snap a couple pics for you guys...Enjoy ♥
{ Faking a bob by pinning the ends under }
{ Straight down with a middle part. in the second pic you can see the roots fighting through..lol! }
{ Simple ponytail...I'm not even gonna lie, I was swinging this pony like nobody's business...lol!! }
{ Bun with a headband...this style didn't last too long, that headband gave me a major headache }
{ Two big flat twists and mini buns }
- 12:20 PM
"One tip that I have learned since being natural is not to ever compare your hair to others, because you will always be disappointed."
Teaira Banks via Twitter- 10:25 AM
I didn't spend too much time on the internet this week, too busy enjoying the sun, but here are a few links that caught my attention. Enjoy :-)
Komaza Care Review: Mop Top Maven
Video - Shingle & Curl Tutorial: It's Just Hair
Mineral Oil vs. Coconut Oil: Naturally Curly
Jessie ADORE & Her Closet: K Is For Kinky
My New Cut: Texture Playground
Avocado Agave Conditioner: The "GOOD" Hair Blog
Will Work For Change: The Coil Review
- 7:26 PM
Enjoying a gorgeous day in my yard, no makeup, no flash, white tee and of course the sun. Just like that and I'm a happy girl!! How was your day?
Sidenote: I'm missing my curls like crazy and my roots are fighting the good fight...lol!!!
- 4:50 PM
Bright colors, funky shapes and mutiple textures will add a nice splash to the most basic look.
- 4:49 PM
Hey Ladies!! You guys already know I that I'm a huge fan of Bee Mine hair products and I recently had a chance to tell Tracey, owner/creator of Bee Mine, just how much I love the collection. But what I love most about this brand is their customer service. They are so down to earth and really make you feel like family and not just another customer. While chatting with Tracey I ask if she would mind if I asked her a few questions about the company and posted the interview on Naturally Obsessed and she said she would love to!! I'm super excited but know I don't know what to ask...lol! I mean I have a few questions in mind, but I would really like to get some input from you guys, since you are the readers. So please leave any questions you have in the comment section below. Thanks in advance ♥
**This would also be a great oppurtunity for those of you who are starting a new business in hair care and need advice on how to get started**
- 8:42 PM
- 3:13 PM
Now on to the flat ironing process....
Once 80-85% dry I unraveled one braid at a time, sprayed on Beyond The Zone's "Turn Up The Heat" heat protectant and blow dried on low/cool heat with a wide toothed attachment.
With my Maxi Glide set on 2 ( second lowest heat setting) let the flat ironing begin. When flat ironing your hair make sure you do so in very small sections. Doing this gets the hair straighter quicker and prevents you from having to run the flat iron down your hair more than twice. Next I sprayed each small section of hair with at least two pumps of heat protectant before flat ironing. Then I "glided" the Maxi Glide down once, letting the teeth on the bottom blade gently detangle my hair. And then I glide again this time with the steam burst, to give a little extra moisture and shine to my hair. I like to trim as I go, so after each small section was flat ironed I snipped those ends. Then I gathered the hair into big pin curls, to give a slight bump to the ends as if I curled them.
Bonus Pic ♥
**When I asked my niece if she liked my hair she said "NOPE"!!
- 7:47 PM
I decided to do my mentions for "Follow Friday" a bit different this week. Instead of just listing a bunch of names, I'd rather give you some cool pics to make you hit that button a little bit faster..lol! Check out my tweeps showing off their natural hair!!
TSM09 "Twist Out"
Dajewel "With Giovanni natural mousse air turbo charged. Did quick two strand twists, then then two strand twisted the twist and then bantu knotted. Unraveled, untwisted, separated and fluffed"
ShanDomHeart "Four day old twist out updo"
Zakiya Lynn "This pic is from Easter"
Joy Mignon "Banging Natural Style....LOL"
KnottiByNature "Second Day Twist out"
SincereMami "My Natural Hair Pic"
EMickey171 "Curly locs with earrings from @Blackonyx77 jewelry collection"
Xtremely Perfect "I call this epiphany in the bathroom...lol"
- 7:44 PM
On a recent trip to Sally's Beauty Supply I snatched up the Conair Attachment in hopes of giving my usual deep treatments an extra boost. I sat under the dryer for about 30-45 minutes on low heat, with a mixture of Suave Shea Butter Almond and Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose conditioners. When I took my hair down to detangle and rinse my hair it was soft and moist, perfect hair condition to detangle.Not only did it thoroughly deep condition my hair, but it saved me a ton of time. Since going natural I have always deep condition my hair the same way...overnight. Which takes up way too much time. Also it was super easy to assemble, you just secure the elastic around your hand held dryer and viola! This was definitely a good buy!!
- 7:19 PM
As usual Rihanna steps out in a fit that only she can pull off. Lately her style has been very dark, its great to see her out and about in something fun and girly but still sexy at the same time. If I saw this look on anyone else (including myself) I would probably hate it! So with her look in mind I toned down the colors with soft pinks and neutral tones. Did away with the fringe sleeves and kept it ultra simple and casual with a light weight sweater. Throw in some cute accessories and you've got the look ♥Thoughts??Images: RihannaDaily.com
- 12:29 PM
I came across this video the other day and it brought up a common issue that a lot of new naturals (and some old naturals) have. Being able to tune out others opinions about you is sometimes easier said than done and it takes time. Comments whether negative or positive should never change how you feel about yourself. When you become comfortable with yourself and proud of the way you choose to live your life opinions can no longer make you or break you. They will simply be opinions.
Have you ever had the "natural hair blues"?? Share your thoughts below, you never know how encouraging your words can be.
NoLyeJustCurls made a follow up video to the one above please watch and subscribe to her channel here.
*Images used in this post has been approved by the owner*
- 12:26 PM
Product Description: "MQ's Honey Coconut Shea is the cure for dry brittle curls. With moisturizing ingredients and natural SPF, it can be used in both winter and summer weather. Great for styling, moisturizing, reducing frizz and enhancing shine with 100% natural ingredients. Apply liberally to wet hair after a shampoo or co-wash. A little bit can really go a long way."
Ingredients: Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, Coconut Cream, Honey, Avocado Oil, Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil, Apricot Kernel Oil. Ex Virgin Olive Oil and Essential Oil Fragrance
Cost: 8oz jar for $10.00 @ www.MahoganyQueen.com
My Thoughts: I was contacted by Ashley, the Mahogany Queen creator, and informed that she was in the beginning stages of her hair care business and asked if I would review her product. Of course I said yes!! When the sample arrived the first thing I noticed was the consistency. For some reason I was expecting more of a butter texture. Instead it was more like a grease. The next thing I noticed was the scent, it has a very light sweet, citrus scent with a touch of honey. It smelled so good I quickly dabbed some in my 3 day old braid out to see what it could do and i didn't like it. It made my hair very oily and every time I touched my hair I had to wash my hands afterwards. I was disappointed but I decided to give it another and see how it performed on my wet hair. I co-washed with Desert Essence Italian Red Grape Conditioner and fingercombed under running water.
Once out of the shower I applied a small amount of MQHCS to my hair and then sectioned my hair off for a set of 2 strand twists. To each section I applied a small amount of OyinHandmade Honey Hemp Conditioner as a leave in and Aubrey Organics Moisturizing Jelly for hold, ran my Denman through to smooth the products through and began to twist. Before reaching the ends of the twits I applied a little more MQHCS to my hair for extra shine and moisture.
Being lazy I left the twists in for 2 days before unraveling. To take them down I slicked my fingers with a little MQHCS to minimize frizz and here are the results...
And after 2 days of constant hand in hair, the sleek and tamed twist out got bigger....
...but I love the bigness. My final thought is that I really like this product, but it definitely cannot be used on my dry hair. I also think it would be great to moistuurize the scalp with. have you tried this product, if so how did you like it?
- 1:56 PM