
How Long Is Too Long For You?

4:43 PM

I know I've been slacking BIG time, but I just had to share this video with y'all. It's not very entertaining...there's no music and she doesn't talk, but I still watched all the way til the end lol! Her hair is gorgeous and LONG!! This video definitely falls under the category of Hair Porn". It got me thinking though...how much is too much for me?
I don't ever plan on cutting my hair, other than trimming, so it's going to grow. I know have a long way to go before I reach her length, but I hate detangling the length I have now so I can't imagine what it will be like then. I'd probably cry every time wash day rolled around lol!
So I must ask, how long is TOO long for you?

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25 People Obsessing!

  1. Wow. Now that's some hair. My goal is waist length (maybe even hip length). But I'm like you, I don't plan on cutting it except for trims, so we'll see.

  2. Now that's a lot of gorgeous hair. But a bit too much for me. lol Now I'm curious about what she's going to do in her transformation. Gotta check out her YouTube page now...

  3. Wooow, her hair is beautiful but I definitely couldn't handle all that. I couldn't imagine the detangling that goes into that. For me, my ultimate goal is boob length while curly and I think I'll stop...

  4. I have 4a/c hair... I CAN'T IMAGINE detangling all of that hair. (and I'm slightly handicapped in my left hand). Just watching all of that hair in action made me wince. More power to her! right now my hair is SL (1 and 1/2 years).. and wash day currently takes me 3 hours to complete. My goal is apl then bsl... a little futher than bsl and that's it.

    I'm very happy with my hair as it is right now... definitely not obsessing over length... but I can't imagine allowing my hair to get that long. Simply because I can't imagine caring for it.

  5. i couldn't do it. heck nah! lol

  6. U know what? I want hair that long just to say that I can get it there, the way some people want to climb Mt. Everest just one time. But with a 3c/4a hair type, the novelty would wear off QUICK!

  7. Too long for me would probably have to be hip or butt length (lol don't know how to refer to it) and beyond. I would let my hair grow to about waist length then get regular trims or cuts to keep it there.




  9. Oh my!! I love her length(although I don't necessarily wish for it), but if my hair grew that long, I doubt I would cut it. Of course, wash days would be kept to an absolute minimum, and it would probably stay in french braids, twists, or a bun ALL the time! LOL!

  10. I already know when my hair gets a certain length curly that I will just start maintaining it at that length. I don't want it that long, that is just too much, well for me anyway. I'll probably grow it real long and then just cut it all off again. LOL.

  11. This is what I consider beautiful but unflattering hair. I watch videos of a lot of naturals with really beautiful hair, but by not having a cut that flatters their face, the hair detracts more than adds. I think it's a shame to be growing hair just to grow hair when we should be looking the best we could. If that means getting a nice cut that flatters us, then we should snip, cut, chop as needed.

  12. I don't know yet but I can't wait to find out what I can handle.

  13. yo too much for me my hair type is 4a

  14. There is no such thing as too long! lol jk...Wow her hair is gorgeous, but I agree with ^^ April Dorris, it's unflattering because it's not really doing anything.

    I think tail bone length is just too much. Anything under that is fair game! When I first started my HHJ I would have said MBL is too long, but reaching BSL has completely changed my perspective; it's made longer lengths real (read achievable and manageable) to me.


  15. WOW. that's a bit much but i guess you would adjust to the care gradually as the hair grows out. my only concern would be the limitations on styles. yes, you'd have lengthe but how would the braidouts and other styles work. i don't want long hair i can't do anything with except braid or bun. have a feeling HairCrush's hair is this long flatironed but her's is fuller, i love her braidouts. she doesn't do many up styles tho.

  16. For some reason I totally just imagined myself having her length and using my hair as a pillow.

  17. I think a good length for me is MBL to BSL.


    Check out this youtuber who had long hair, and cut it back but it's still gorgeous. It's title Sneak peak at my new haircut by Nikkiidior


  18. Now this youtuber "Sistawithrealhair" who is a natural hair lady. I love this style and length on her, almost feel out of my chair when she undid the hair. Titled: Roller set natural hair - FINAL STEP - STEP 5


  19. Gorgeous but too much for everyday practicality--it's only good for bragging rights!

  20. im not going past bsl...extremely long hair lacks style to me and is unflattering

  21. I'm at BSL currently & detangling can be an absolute horror, esp. when I've been careless. so much so, I've been considering a short cut! something edgy & tapered. I make sure to hide the scissors when I get ready to wash/detangle lol. Anyway, I think WL may be it for me...

  22. While I do drool at hair that is healthy and uber long, I don't think I could deal with it. As far as truly being managable and what I'd find flattering on me, BSL/MBL (it is pretty much the same on me) is where I'd feel comfortable. Once I got there, I don't think I would be actively growing out my hair, instead I will just be maintaining it. I'd say that once it got to the point that I'm sitting on my hair, then it would be time for a cut.

  23. I love it the bigger the better, I can't wait for my hair to be that long!

  24. If my hair was her length in it's natural state..........

    (O_0") Whooo no.

    NO NO NO!!!! My hair would have to be in locs and even then NO!

    By the time my hair hits my waist in it's natural state, I would have accomplished all of my goals and really don't feel the need to continue growing it....well, retaining it. I have 4a/3c hair and I'm everyday I'm trying to find new ways to make my regimen less and less complicated. I'm so close to loc'in like you don't even know. lol

    Natural waist length. It'll take me some years to get there so I know I won't be hacking off any hair for a cut anytime soon. But no, absolutely NOTHING pass my behind! That's just too much hair!

    But her hair is gorgeous though! =] I can just imagine those wash days I would have......(o_0") Nah, I'll pass.

  25. please....if y'all cant handle this length then give it to me.


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