
I'm Straight...

8:04 PM

(image source unknown)
If you follow me on Twitter, then you already know I straightened my hair last Wednesday. I tweeted a pic, but didn't really have much time to really get into to it. However, I did record the whole flat ironing process and HOPEfully..notice the emphasis on hope...I'll have it posted this week.
Until then continue reading to see how my hair has been holding up...
Wednesday 11/23
Friday 11/25...curls from pin-curling at night!
Saturday 11/26...Mrytle Beach, SC
Monday 11/28...still straight as I type this post

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24 People Obsessing!

  1. Wow, Aaliyah hair. Loves it!

  2. Yep, I'm definitely obsessing, lol. I recently disovered pincurling and I must say I love it. Your wave seems to be slight. How many pins curls did/do you do? -Amber

  3. OH wow just asked you about this on tweeter sooooooooooo AMAZING!!!
    Just what I needed for a pick-me-up :)
    beautiful hair Shana

  4. Kay, this is really out there, but are you a photographer or trying to get into the business? Your pictures are just so beautiful I love em!!

    And yes, your hair is still FIERCE!!! (and I love the cartoon drawing! Is that your drawing, fan art, or just random?)

  5. I love it!!!! It came out really nice.

  6. First off...love the illustration! And your hair looks gorgeous! I'm getting my hair straightened on Thursday...super excited about it too lol.


  7. Hi Shana . . . I love your blog and tumblr . . . I have a question: Do you ever experience heat damage or loosening of your natural curl patter after straightening? I have and it's so fustrating for me . . . :(



  8. I straighten my hair on the 13th and it's still straighten now, even though it's rained like 5 times. I like that my hair is long enough to put in different braids [I probably get on people nerves swinging them all the time] and I love pin curls. I'm finally going to wash on saturday and to my very first henna treatment. Beautiful hair by the way! ;)

  9. I love it! I'm a natural as well, and I have opted to rock a straight style for a little bit. For me it's so much easier to be able to wrap, unwrap and go everyday.

  10. You're hair is gorgeous! Straight or not. I love (And I'm slightly envious of it.Lol.) the thickness of it. Gorgeously healthy.

  11. lovely hair - and yes you should definitely consider freelance photography -- you have a definite skill for it.

  12. Thanks for all the love ladies!!

    @Jo-Ann I have yet to experience any heat damage, but just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean it won't. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed lol!

    @MsKraizy lol thank you...you're not the first person to ask me that. I'm not a photographer I just love taking pictures....of anything....like it's borderline obsessive. It's just something I absolutely enjoy doing. And no that's not my illustration, I found it on tumblr with no artist credit :(

  13. I think you will be WL by next year ^_^

  14. I LOVE the first pic of your hair. Just gorgeous!

    You are def an inspiration to me! Love this site, love your hair :)

  15. LUV IT, SHANA!!!! Length & Thickness & Healthy-Looking!!!!

  16. Your hair is fantabulous. This is my first comment on your blog, but I had to comment today :) I'm thinking about straightening today also... excellent inspiration here.

    Oh, and I found the source of the picture. http://younglady.deviantart.com/ Any Boondocks fans may appreciate her work :D

  17. OMG,your hair is beautiful! I cut mine off as soon as I entered high school (Too much work for me because I played sports) and it was past middle back length (my Mom and Dad just about cried). I'm getting ready to graduate from college in May and I want it back! (almost have it to I keep it braided, moisturized and keep stress free). I come on here for additional help!
    ~Thanks Tina O

  18. very pretty... straightened mine too.. natural for just 1 yr and a half.... can't wait for hair that long!

  19. Your hair. Is. Just. Amazing!!!! I'm so jealous! I should be where you are but keep having setbacks. Keep bringing the hair porn! Gorgeous!!

  20. http://younglady.deviantart.com/art/Jazmine-s-Hair-Trouble-36501454?q=gallery%3Ayounglady%2F20716092&qo=17

  21. u look gorgeous as Always Shana!!!!!!

  22. Shana how do you do your pin curls do you curl them first and then pin them up or do you know just pin your hair straight?
    YOur hair looks amazing so health great job ! and i agree with others definitely try the photography as another hobby.


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