- 5:09 PM
While catching up on some old videos on YouTube I stumbled across an interview of Esperanza Spalding. I have heard her name mentioned before but, never really look into what she was all about. The first thing that attracted me to her was that gorgeous fro she was wearing and how comfortable she looked rocking it. But the more videos I clicked on I got to know more and more about her background and her many accomplishments. She has a sweet and bubbly personality. And her musical talent is off the hook.
Here are a few lines from her biography on her website www.esperanzaspalding.com ...
If "esperanza" is the Spanish word for hope, than bassist, vocalist, and composer Esperanza Spalding could not have been given a more fitting name at birth. Blessed with uncanny instrumental chops, a multi-lingual voice that is part angel and part siren, and a natural beauty that borders on hypnotic, the 23 year old prodigy-turned-pro might as well be the hope for the future of jazz and instrumental music.
And for those of you who want to know, Spalding is of African-American, Welsh and Spanish descent. Her mother is Welsh, Hispanic, and Native American, and her father is African-American.
- 6:35 PM
This video is hilarious just thought I'd share it with you guys...Enjoy !
- 1:33 PM
Beyonce rocked this simple, but hot look while clubbing in London. I've never really been a huge fan of her clothing choices, but I like this look on her because it is so simple and basic. She looks relaxed and happy to have a night off with her hubby and sis. And I especially dig the fact that she tamed that weave into a nice low pony.
I didn't even bother checking how much her outfit cost, but I'm sure most of it, if not all of it, is high end. So for all my ladies on a budget (including myself) here are some links to duplicate it.
**Pictures courtesy of JustJared.com**
- 5:32 PM
Many of you have asked so here it is :
- Shampoo 1x a month : Vo5 Kiwi Lime Squeeze Clarifying Shampoo...I usually do this the beginning of every month... On the hunt for something healthier for my hair like Dr. Bonner's or Aubrey Organics ...I'll let you guys know which one I get and how I like it.
- Co-Wash 2x a week : For the most part I use whatever conditioner I grab first, but I really love Suave Pro Sleek Conditioner and Pantene ProV Hydrating Curls Conditioner
- Deep Condition 1x a week : Organic Root Stimulator (ORS) Olive Oil Replenishing Conditioner...Love this stuff...I always do this before shampooing or before I co-wash...I sometimes add Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) or Coconut Oil for extra moisture and shine.
- Detangle : Lately I've been using my fingers to detangle my hair and so far so good. I only use my Denman brush on the day that I shampoo my hair after I deep condition it. When styling if I need to detangle a section I'll use a wide toothed comb.
- Scalp Massages : I try to do this every week but I forget sometimes...I use Coconut Oil, EVOO or Kemi Oyl
I've been pretty lazy with styling my hair lately. My hair is growing, so simple styles take a little longer to do and I just don't feel like fooling with it. For the most part I've been wearing wash & go's, twists, twist-outs and low ponies...Boring I know. I'll get it together soon...lol.
Here's a YouTube vid I did a few days ago...enjoy :-)
- 4:16 PM
Its truly nothing better than finding a dress that lets you feel sexy and feminine, without feeling like your zipper is about to pop any minute. The maxi dress does just that. This dress is a great style that works well on most body types. Whether your a skinny girl, that could use a little more volume, or a thick girl, that wants to downplay her curves. They come in many different shades and patterns. And can be worn with heels or flats.
- 10:24 AM
A : My regime for the summer is pretty much the same as any other season. I wear puffs, ponytails, twist-outs, braid-outs, etc. Or sometimes if its really hot, I'll put it in a protective style and wear it like that for a few days to keep it out of my face.
My way of fighting frizz to to constantly keep the hair moisturized. Keeping up on your co-washesand deep conditioning treatments helps to train your hair to deal with humidity and heat. Also when doing wash and go's or any wet set style use a gel or some type of holding product to weigh the hair down. That will help it to stay put.
- 12:30 PM
Halle Berry was recently spotted by TMZ rocking this short do. I personally thought she was her most fabulous self when rocking the short look. It fits her face so well. Hopefully this look is a keeper....Go Halle !!!
Here's a better shot of her new look...
- 12:20 PM
I seen this mess over @ Urban Curlz and I just had to repost it....
LMBO.... Thoughts anyone???
Wait There's More...
- 4:35 PM
A : That's the same thing that happen to me during my transition. I wore micro braids pretty much my entire transition. It really damaged my edges especially my right side. If I knew what I know now I would have stop wearing them immediately. I've gotten a ton of advice from some of the ladies on FOTKI. Some suggest using MegaTek or massaging oils like peppermint or rosemary to the affected area morning and night to stimulate growth. I choose to use rosemary oil because I heard to many negative things about MegaTek to spend my money on it. So far so good, I probably do a comparison post soon.
- 2:21 PM
A : There really is no set time on when one becomes good at styling their hair. For some it takes a lot of practice, for other it kinda comes naturally. When I was young we really couldn't afford to go to a stylist whenever we needed our hair done, so we got creative and learned to do it ourselves. I've been doing my own hair since I was a like 13. I did my own relaxers, sew-ins, trims, wraps you name it. And I still that way when it comes to my natural hair.
If you are someone who struggles with how to style their hair, relaxed or natural, YouTube is a great resource for all kinds of hairstyles. Click on my YouTube channel link and check out some of my subscriptions.
I hope this helps.
- 1:52 PM
A : It varies on the look I'm going for. If I'm doing twists or braids for a braid-out/twist-out it can sometimes take an hour or two hours, depending on the size and how many breaks I take. I like to take plenty breaks...lol. The longest time I've taken to do my hair has been 3 days and that was for some teeny, tiny individual braids.
- 1:39 PM
**Pictures courtesy of RihannaDaily.com**
- 8:27 PM
The #1 answer naturals say when asked, "What's the best thing about being natural?", is versatility. I love to be able to wear a different style every week, heck sometimes multiple times a week. Do you know how many ways you can rock a Twist Out in a single week...sheesh..We'll discuss that later...lol. While having versatility is great, too much styling can truly damage your hair. It can cause breakage, split ends and knots to name a few. So every now and then its necessary to give your hair a break.
When my hair needs a break or I just simply don't feel like doing my hair, I'll throw in some braids or even some 2 stand twists. Here are just a few of the ways I rest my hair.
And remember ladies, your hair is what you make it, so put in the work.
- 1:00 PM
Grab a hat and keep it moving. Hats are a great accessories to have no mater if your natural or relaxed. They protect your hair from cold and hot weather, and can be a decoy when disguising a jacked up do. I like to slap one on when I'm deep conditioning and need to run a few errands at the same time. And of course they can add some spice to any dull outfit.
Casual & Fun
Big & Beautiful
Simple & Chic
- 12:01 PM
On Tuesday, May 12th Tyra Banks discussed many African Americans obsession with having "Good Hair".
**Watch and Discuss** If you get a chance to watch the show please come back and share your thoughts.
My Thoughts : The opinions of the guest on this episode were just downright disgusting, ignorant and sad. Even when I was relaxed and wore a weave I never had those kinds of views about natural haired women. One of the women even referred to natural hair to that of a chimpanze....Are you serious... This particular guest was the worst of the bunch for me. Anyhoo, watching the show just let me know that we still have a lot of work to do in the Black community. Sigh....
Here's Miss Banks back in the day ...waaay back....HAHA
- 11:45 AM
**This recipe is courtesy of www.honey.com National Honey Board**
The extremes of heat and cold we endure throughout winter can make even the greatest of hair look and feel like straw. This nourishing conditioner blends honey for shine; olive oil for moisture and essential oil of rosemary to stimulate hair growth.
1/2 cup Honey 1/4 cup warmed Olive oil (2 tbs for normal to oily hair) 4 drops of essential Rosemary Oil 1 tsp. Xanthum gum (available here @ www.luckyvitamin.com) Instructions : Place all the ingredients in a small bowl and mix thoroughly. Pour into a clean plastic bottle with a tight fitting stopper or lid. Apply a small amount at a time to slightly dampened hair. Massage scalp and work mixture through hair until completely coated. Cover hair with a warm towel (towel can be heated in a microwave or dryer) or shower cap; leave on to nourish and condition for 30 minutes. Remove towel or shower cap; shampoo lightly and rinse with cool water. Follow up with your favorite conditioner. Dry as normal and enjoy shinier, softer and healthier hair the natural way.You'll need....
- 1:08 PM
Winner of America's Next Top Model Cycle 3. Lately she's been sporting a long curly weave but, I liked her when it was all about the blond TWA. It framed her gorgeous face and made her stand out from the rest of the pack.
- 7:24 PM
- 12:37 PM
1. Briefly explain your hair routine.
My hair routine is as follows: I co-wash my hair twice with Suave Tropical Coconut Conditioner, then apply Paul Mitchell leave in and put in Eco Styler gel and style.
2. Have you ever regretted your decision to go natural? If so, why?
Never ... I am so excited to see what's to come, I have so many ideas now.
3. What is the best thing about being natural?
The versatility.
4. What 3 products can you not live without?
My gel, Suave Tropical Coconut Conditioner and Paul Mitchell leave in.
5. What 3 products would you never buy again?
Carol's Daughter Hair Milk, Healthy Hair Butter and Tui Hair Smoothie
6. Who are your favorite curly/kinky celebs?
Tracee Ellis Ross, Rachel True and Sophie Okonedo.
7. What makes your curls Glam Curls?
The way I take the time to care for them.
**To see more of Notsoshy28's hair journey click the link below**
- 11:42 AM
That answer should be no for a lot of folks, but Miss Fenty does this look proper. With much ease and boat loads of CONFIDENCE. Not many of us (and by us I mean naturals) have that kind of confidence. We get so caught up in what are co-workers may say or family and friends may think, that we totally ignore the reason became natural in the first place. To stand out and be our own individual yet, when someone questions your natural tresses negatively you start questioning them too. So who's really at fault here....I'd say you. Most people make ignorant comments because they are just that....IGNORANT.
If someone doesn't appreciate and respect you for who you are and what you believe in, then so be it. You can't please everybody so why bother. Love your natural hair and it will love you back.
Say what you want about her...But it doesn't seem like she really cares now does it....HAHA
These pictures were taken last night at the "The Model as Muse: Embodying Fashion" Costume Institute Gala (Met Ball) at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, tonight in New York City.
- 3:02 PM
I know it may seem like I've abandoned my blog but, I'm happy to report that posts will resume as normal later this week. Life has become extremely hectic lately so blogging hasn't really been a top priority these past few weeks. What would really make this whole blogging thing a little more enjoyable for me would be some feedback from my followers. Let me know what you guys think about the blog, because its really here for you not me. If there are topics you'd like me to discuss, feel free to send me a private message or leave a comment. I love helping others with their hair journeys and giving advice when asked. So to all my followers your feedback is necessary and will be greatly appreciated.
That's it for now
Check back later this week for more updates.
- 2:27 PM