
Hair Diary: Meet Ebony Majesty!

11:29 AM

 Get to know the lovely Elle from London whose curls I've been drooling over for I don't know how long lol! Enjoy :)
About me...My name is Elle, also known as The Ebony Majesty on YouTube. I'm a 20-something year-old natural hair addict with waist length 3b/3c hair.
(Wash & go while transitioning)

Where do you live? How is the natural hair community there?
I live in London, England. The majority of women I see have relaxed hair, although I do have a few friends who have decided to go natural. Nowadays I do see more natural divas compared to when I first did the big chop. I feel so happy when people decide to take the plunge, whether they are in my circle or not!

When and why did you decide to go natural?
I decided to go natural in December 2006. My hair was dyed red, and I had just relaxed my hair. It was damaged and that was the last straw for me. In my younger days I had long hair. However, growing up and experimenting with every style going was not good for my strands. I was also inspired by the ladies on Long Hair Care Forum.

I transitioned for 18 months and braved the big chop in June 2008 (my BC video). I was out with friends and had an overwhelming urge to go home and cut my hair (weird I know). It was liberating though!

(1 week after the BC)

Were your friends and family supportive of your decision to go natural?
I spoke to my mother about this the other day. She admitted she did not believe I would do it. Nevertheless she kept her opinion to herself and I'm glad she did because she was still supportive. There was a point where I was 6 months into my transition and my hair was so tangled! I wanted to relax there and then, but kept going and didn't give in! My close friend was very supportive and even tried to transition too. Unfortunately it did not work out as well for her.

Describe your hair routine. 
As I can be lazy, I like to keep it simple! I wash my hair weekly, which includes deep conditioning. Steaming my hair is something which I have just incorporated into my regimen, and I love how soft and tangle-free my hair is after! Wash day is the only time I will detangle my hair. Doing it under the shower with loads of conditioner and a Denman brush makes it so much easier. My staple styles at the moment are braidouts, twistouts, flat ironing, wash & go's or my finger ringlet style (demonstrated in the video below).

At night, I spray with leave in conditioner, pile my hair on top of my head (like a pineapple), secure with a large band and cover with a satin cap. When I take my hair down in the morning, I fluff with my hands and moisturise again if needed.

What are some of your favorite hair products? 
As a product junkie, I don't really have any staple products at the moment. As my hair gets longer, I discover products which work better with my hair. I always make sure I have a clarifying shampoo, moisturizing shampoo, deep conditioner, protein treatment and a leave in conditioner or some kind of moisturizer. As it's winter, I'm using Shea butter and Aussie Miracle Hair Insurance Leave-in Conditioner. Alberto Balsam Coconut & Lychee Conditioner is good as a leave-in too!
(Wash & Go)
Do you have any hair goals? If so, what steps are you taking to achieve them? 
My hair is currently at waist length, and is shorter at the front. My ultimate goal is to reach hip bone length when my hair is stretched. Any longer and I don't think I would be able to cope lol. As long as my hair remains healthy, I'll be happy.

Low manipulation is the key for me. I detangle once a week and only use a brush to smooth down my edges between wash days. My hair is more manageable when I deep condition, which is why I do it every week. My staple style for the past few weeks has been my finger ringlet style. My hair stays tangle free until wash day, and I can always style it into a bun if it gets messy.

How has being natural changed you? 
After the initial shock of the big chop, I fell in love with my natural hair and felt more confident about myself. It feels great not having to worry about regrowth and relaxing!

What are you top 5 obsessions? 
•Strawberry mojitos •Wedges •Live music •My loved ones •Living each day to the fullest!
(My staple finger coil style)
Anything thing else...
You can follow me on Twitter (@EbonyBelle) and subscribe to my YouTube channel "The Ebony Majesty".

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5 People Obsessing!

  1. What a gorgeous head full of healthy hair!!!

  2. YES!! absolutely gorgeous. My favorite style is the finger coils. I may have to try that!

  3. Gosh, she's gorgeous!, with gorgeous hair too!

  4. She is what made me think about going natural 4 years ago wonderful interview. Thank u!


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