
Video: Actress & Model Tomiko Fraser-Hines Does The Big Chop!

Find out why and how after the jump! Find out why and how after the jump! ...

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Obsessive Links: Fab Natural Rachel Chops Her Hair....Again!!

Rachel Stewart has bc'ed yet again!! Find out why and how by visiting her blog Target Queen! Also take a look at my interview with Rachel back in Aug 2009 ---> HERE! ...

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In Review: Bee Mine Moisturizing Daily Conditioner

Product Description: Dramatically improve the moisture balance of your hair with the natural and organic nutrients in our new Daily Conditioner "Bee Lovely." With the soft & creamy consistency of Cupuacu Butter, offers exceptional daily moisture for the hair also provides some protection against UV-A and UV-B rays. Enjoy hair that feels soft and smooth all day after just a single use without...

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Curly TwistOut Tutorial & Aveda Style Prep Review

Ever wonder how I got this look....watch the video below to find out how :) ...

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Hair Lust....

{source}i totally thought these were locs....they're yarn braids!gorgeous!! You can also check out her youtube channel HERE!  ...

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Hair Lust....

{source} {source} ...

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Hair Diary: Meet Donica!

About me...I'm an introvert with a hearty laugh, I enjoy flats because it is likely I will fall over in heels, and anything related to cupcakes has my full attention. My name is Donica (pronounced Dawn-ee-ka), and I'm just months away from my Masters in Transpersonal Psychology: Art Therapy (whoot!). It was destiny arriving on a path as a helping professional where I...

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In Review: Anita Grant Rhassoul Deep Condish Cubes

Product Description: Our Rhassoul Deep Condishes contains Unrefined Black Cocoa Butter & natural Soya based Vitamin E (mixed tocopherols) which helps to guard scalp & hair from free radical damage. When hot liquid is added to our Rhassoul Deep Condishes, it swells & increases its surface area like a highly porous sponge. Attracting & trapping toxins into these open porous spaces so that...

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Look What I Got.....

It arrived over the weekend, it is currently soaking my kinks with it's goodness. So far it went on smoothly and I was surprised that the 3 cubes were enough for all of my hair. Below you'll find a pic of my hair covered in the condish....a full review should be posted tomorrow. ...

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Wash & Go Fail....Turned Into A TwistOut

For a while now I've been craving a wash and go, my usual styles are braidouts/twistouts  and I've been missing my tight coils. So Friday afternoon I gave it a go. I co-washed with Hair Rules Quench condish...I've been obsessed with this stuff lately lol! To style my hair I decided to try out the CHS (curly hair solutions) Extenzz styling cream, which...

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Hair Diary: Allison C.

About Me...Well, I am a laid back person who loves to express herself creatively. I think of myself as the typical Aquarian spirit: chill to the point of sometimes being aloof; talented in many ways that force me to be a Jack-of-Multiple-Trades and a Master-of-Few; and shy and outgoing at the same time. I make acquaintances easily, but call very few people true...

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Afro Art: Brianna McCarthy

I absolutely love her work!!{source} ...

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Great Hair...Bad Skin

While looking over the new chosen vloggers on NaturallyCurly.com, I came across this article. I have dealt with acne since I was a teen so I know how frustrating this issue can be...especially as an adult! Currently muy skin is under control, but who knows how long that will last lol! This article breaks down how the things we use in our hair...

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Who Knew Jessie Could Sing....

Found this video in my inbox yesterday...who knew Jessie had fab hair, fab clothes and a fab voice too!!  {Source} ...

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Hair Lust....

{Source} {Source} ...

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Bee Mine Products Haul

You guys already know I'm a big fan of this brand...especially the Curly Butter and Deep Conditioner! Since I was running out of both I decided to restock my stash and try out some of the new goodies that have been added to the shop. I ordered the Curly Butter and Deep Conditioner of course and the Deja's Hair Milk for Niecey Poo....her...

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Hair Lust....

beautiful.....{Source} ...

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Hair Diary: Melissa S.

About me…I am a 25 year old taking steps to better my situation, my career, and achieving my goals in life! I will say I have accomplished things that some may never be able to say… I LOVE who I am, who I am becoming, the color of my skin, and of course, MY HAIR. Those things have been a struggle for me...

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Congrats to Esperanza Spalding Best New Artist Grammy Winner

Most of us naturals are familiar with Esperanza and have enjoyed her music and her gorgeous fro for some time now. However, it seems her name is a bit unknown amongst the younger Bieber type crowds lol! Viewers were stunned when her name was called as the winner, beating out big names like Justin Bieber and Drake in the Best New Artist category....

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Last Day To Enter NaturallyCurly.com's Curly Love Contest!!!!!

Naturally Curly has been giving away hair goodies since the beginning of the month. Well, it's all coming to a close today...but it's not too late for you to enter for today's prize and still be eligible for the grand prize. Read the information below and head over to NaturallyCurly.com right NOW!!!!! About the Contest- Check out all these amazing brand participating! Readers...

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iObsess • Brenda

aka • Silkeeage • 37 location • MarylandHair • Shea Moisture Products, Twists, & Twist-outsSkin • Chatto's OassisFashion • Boot cut jeans, fitted white tee, boots, & stylish jacketFood • You name it and I'll probably like it The Net • YouTube, Fotki (www.fotki.com/bren1109), and Team BeachbodyPlaces • I would love to visit Europe and any place with a nice beachLife • Teaching...

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Bunned Up....

When you get bored with your hair or just don't feel like fooling with it...the bun and/or low pony can be your best friend! Last night, after deep conditioning (I used Hair Rules Quench Conditioner) and detangling, I decided to bun it up. My original plan was to throw in some twists, but it was getting late and my arms were already tired...

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Solange & Rihanna Attend Brunch With RocNation

Rihanna, never one to be too subtle, looked gorgeous in a simple white dress and fab nude spiked heels. She kept the makeup simple and let all the focus go to her big red kinky hair. I absolutely love this wig on her!! Heck, it might just be my new length goal lol! The color is a bit much, but it works for...

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Hair Diary: Myriam

About me....Well, My Name is Myriam (every one call me Mymou) I am 21 years old and I am a French speaking person so please forgive my mistakes. I am an engineer student in Paris where I've been living since 8 years now (I am coming from Cameroon, in Africa). Here in France, us young lady have really been inspired by the African...

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