
In Review: Huetiful Hair Steamer

Product Description: The Huetiful Hair Steamer bathes every strand of hair with warm, ozonized steam. The steam opens up the hair cuticles to allow the moisturizing agents in conditioners to be absorbed deeply into the hair shaft. Hydrates hair 5x more effectively than conditioner alone and helps to reduce breakage and split ends. Improves the manageability for those transitioning from relaxed to natural hair. Improves moisture...

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TWA Hair Diary: Ebony R.

When and why did you decide to go natural?I decided to go natural in early April of this year. I had attempted to transition back in December, but relaxed after about 10 weeks. My decision to try it again came from my issues with my self esteem and the fact that I wanted to be able to feel beautiful, no matter how I...

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In Review: Safi Hair Care "Curl Clouds"

Product Description: "This light mixture is great for curl definition, daily moisturizing and styling.  Curl Clouds can also be used on the body".  Directions: On damp hair, use a dime sizes amount of Cloud Curls in small sections.  Make sure you apply the product from root to tip.  Curl Clouds provides a soft hold to all curl types.Cost: $13.50 / 8oz jar @...

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Obsessive Links ♥

Hey guys! Check out these cool posts circulating the web!! Naturals vs. Naturals: Pretty Natural DivasOne on One with Bilal: The MopTop MavenShrinkage: College CurliesMe, Sans Hair: Apricot TeaHair Is A Woman's Crown and Glory: Apricot TeaTop 10 Natural Ingredients for Your Hair: Naturally CurlySteve Harvey Doesn't Like Our Hair: Honey Brown Sugar Random pic of moi....Wrap It Up! Have you seen anything interesting...

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Hair Diary: Alex of Safi Hair Care!

Hey guys! Meet friend in my head , Alex of The "Good" Hair Blog and Safi Hair Care creator.  I was recently featured on her blog as well, read my story here!!When and why did you decide to go natural?This is my 3rd and final time going natural, as I ALWAYS say. I decided to STAY natural this time because I was truly...

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You Wanna See Me Naked..Uh Huh + Wonder Curl Contest Winner Announced!

And the Wonder Curl winner is.....Kari Watson!!!! Congratulations girl, be on the lookout for an email for me to collect your info! Thanks to all of you who participated and if you didn't win this time, try your luck on the next one :-)I've been getting a lot of emails recently about what my hair looks like naked.  No products, no curl manipulation, freshly pooed and...

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Hair Diary: Tameka V.

When and why did you decide to natural? I decided during my sophomore year of college, but I did nothing about it until the end of my sophomore year, last summer. My last perm was August 8th, 2009. Were your friends and family supportive of your decision? I mentioned nothing about the sudden need to have my natural texture. I didn't do the...

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Cheating On My Denman.....

Fab Finds: Under $100

Weekend Giveaway: WonderCurl Products!!!

It's that time again!!  You guys made the first Weekend Giveaway such a sucess that I'm back for a second go round.  And guess what this time there's 2 full size products up for grabs for 1 lucky winner!! The rules to the game are pretty simply, but first let me tell you a little more about Wonder Curl and the prizes....Scarlett, creator and...

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Hair Diary: Marie S.

When and why did you decide to go natural?What really made decide to go natural was the damaging effects that relaxers had on my hair. I started getting relaxers at the age of 5 years old. My hair was very long but was not as thick as it could be. In my junior year of high school I would  wear my hair pressed throughout my...

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Obsessed Mail: Bee Mine Growth Serum??

SS: Hey!  My name is Shelley and I thought I'd let you know that your website and hair are truly an inspiration.  I look at your site daily for updates and hope that you will be updating it soon :-)  I have two questions to ask; I know your a fan of Bee Mine Products, especially the Curly Butter.  You never gave us...

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Hair Diary: Kierra M.

When and why did you decide to natural?I decided to go natural my senior year of high school (about 6 years ago). From childhood, I would always find myself feeling my roots and not wanting to get a relaxer when the time came around. The desire for my natural hair was always there, and I finally cut my hair October 2004!Were your friends and family...

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Fab Finds: Mod Cloth Under $50

"My Queen and Natural Heir" By Jirbaud

Someone I follow on Twitter shared this poem with me and I absolutely loved it. Many natural hair ladies feel like "our" men, you know the ones that look like us, don't appreciate our textures. I sometimes feel like my husband is the only one lol! But this poem is like a breath of fresh. Thank you Jirbaud :-)My Queen and Natural HeirNot to knock weave...

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Poll: Share Your Thoughts Pt.2

It's that time again!  Back in February I asked you guys to give me feedback on the blog.  Back then most of you agrred that I should show or talk about my hair more and I did.  But is that still what you want??  Let me know your opinions and take the poll :-)If you have anything else to add or your opinion is not...

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**Updated**In Review: Curl Harmony Products

I mentioned in the giveaway post last week that I'd be reviewing a bunch of Curl Harmony hair products, well I finally got around to testing them out and my hair loves them!  Check the review and tons of pics below.Curl Harmony Hydrating ConditionerProduct Description: "Curl Harmony Hydrating Conditioner is specifically formulated for curly hair. It delivers the optimum dose of moisture for...

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Fab Finds Under $100

Hair Diary: Dawn S.

When and why did you decide to go natural?This is my second time going natural.  The first time I was at Hampton University in 1994/5, I was in a school play.  I did not have time (nor the resources) to perm my hair and my boyfriend at the time encouraged me to go natural.  When I came home that summer, my sister and...

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