
Scalp Treatments for all Hair Types

No matter what hair type you have, one thing remains the same for all ... Healthy scalp = Healthy hair.  I suggest using these in addition to your regular pre-poo or with your deep conditioner.Normal Scalp: 1/2 tbs of rose water (has antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties)1/2 tbs of mineral water (helps to stimulate hair growth)1 tbs of your favorite oilOily Scalp:Oily scalp types are often...

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Dark & Lovely Tries To Pimp Out Shea Butter!

Oh No They Didn't !!!!  Gurl Yes They Did...While getting my daily fix of bad reality television (yes I'm addicted..lol) on BET a Dark & Lovely commercial pops up on my screen.  Now I've seen this commercial many times before but, for some reason this time enough was enough.  Are you really trying to convince me that relaxing my hair with a relaxer...

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Teeny Weeny Twists Week #2

Although Monday October 26th started week #3, I thought I'd show you guys a few pictures of my hair from last week (week #2).  The first two pictures were taken after I moisturized my ends with some Shea Butter.  I don't put too much on because it can start to feel greasy.  I apply just enough Shea Butter to keep my ends soft and frizz free. ...

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Natural Hair Chats On Twitter?

YESSSsss!!!!!Every Sunday at 10pm ladies from all over meet up on Twitter to talk about one thing ...Natural Hair!!!  Its fun and informative exchange between those who are natural and want to share what they know.  Others who maybe tinkering with the idea of going natural and some who are already in the process of transitioning.  Or meet some cool ladies who love...

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Kimora Gets Emotional

This clip gets to me every time I watch it ...sniffles  How old were you when you first got a relaxer or had you hair flat ironed? This clip gets to me every time I watch it ...sniffles  How old were you when you first got a relaxer or had you hair flat ironed? ...

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Trey Songz & His Curly Leading Lady

While sifting through comments, about Rihanna's new single (which I love btw), on Necole Bitchie.com I came across these gorgeous shots of singer Trey Songz video shoot.  Yeah he's cute and all but my eyes automatically went to her.  I don't know much about her except that her name is Grace and she's adding some natural flair to this video in a very sexy way.For...

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Teeny Weeny Twists : Week #1

I never thought I'd say this, but I like these twists more than my braids. They're alot easier to put in and I'm sure they'll be a breeze to take down (compared to taking down my braids).  To protect my twists at night I cover the top of my head with one of my hubby's old wave caps.  The wave cap or do-rag,...

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Celebs and Their TwitPics

Stars are just like us.  When they're feeling good about themselves or just plain bored, they like have they're own personal photo sessions.  Lucky for us they Twitpic they're photos so we can see them too.Russell & Kimora's youngest daughter Aoki Lee on vacation Former Danity Kane member Dawn Richard"rockin my nefertiti look.. i love a good natural do...headed to the studio"Actress (Half & Half,...

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WC : It All Starts At Home ....

Re-post: Going through my archives I came across this post I did a couple months ago and wanted to share it with you guys again...Enjoy :-)I went back and watched a few more clips of the "Good Hair" episode of The Tyra Banks show and got upset all over again.  The children on the show had such a strong dislike for who they...

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All Twisted Up...

After weeks of feeling a little overwhelmed by my hair and out of just pure laziness, I decided to throw my hair in a protective style.  I didn't want to braid it because it seems like I always have my hair in braids and that can be quite boring.  Buns are a waste of time for me, my hair is so thick that...

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Cassia Treatment #2

The results were even better this time around.  I ended up using the leftovers from last month, that I had frozen in the freezer, and half a pack of dry Cassia.   I then added in some water and about 3 tablespoons of Coconut Oil.  Applied the mixture to my hair same as before and left it on for 3 hours.  When it came time...

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Aron Ranen's Black Hair Documentary

Browsing through YouTube I stumbled across this black hair documentary.  The film focuses more on the frustration of black hair care manufactures and the dominating Korean distributors.  It's a really interesting and informative documentary.To purchase this film visit BlackHairDvd.com Below is an update video...Peep the video to see which well known celeb/singer repping a Korean owned hair company....Interesting.Thoughts ??!!?? Browsing through YouTube I stumbled...

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Girl, She Know She Cold!!

You ever been out somewhere and noticed a another female not properly dressed for the weather, frontin hard like she ain't cold.  You know the one that shows up in a short-sleeved shirt and everybody else is in sweaters.  Uh huh, that one!  Well lucky for her I found some great coats that will keep you warm and stylish. I got my eye on the Fred...

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Kourtney Kardashian Gets Caught By the Paps

Our favorite big sister in reality television, Kourtney Kardashian, was snapped by the paparazzi engaging in an act most of us wouldn't want shown around the world.  Paparazzi took shots of Kourt doing what a lot of celebrities do but, never talk about.  She was getting her weave done.  Call me naive but, I always thought that the Kardashians wore they're real hair and it...

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Obsessed Mail: Overbearing Mother...What To Do?

A Naturally Obsessed reader asks...Q: I've been trying hard to convince my mom to let me go natural but, every time I bring it up she says NO!!!  What should I do?In my opinion, I would be trying to figure out why she's saying no.  Why is she so opposed to something that your obviously very interested in?  In my mind I'm trying...

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Solange Knowles In Honey Magazine

Miss Knowles recently sat down with Honey Magazine for an exclusive interview, where she discussed everything from fashion to spending quality time with her son Juelz.  She also talks a little bit about her hair history and the reaction from her fans of her recent appearance on Oprah.  Below is just a snippet of the interview....Obviously, it’s a different reaction with you because of...

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Nia Long brings "Good Hair" to Chelsea Handler

Chris Rock is not the only one the promotion train. Nia Long, who is featured in his documentary "Good Hair", is getting the word out as well and bring it to the Chelsea Lately Show. Take a look at how she breaks down being "weave worthy" to Chelsea...lol...Too funny :-) Video courtesy of WorldStarHipHop.com Chris Rock is not the only one the promotion train....

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In Review : CURLS Gel-les c

Product Description :  It isn’t a gel, and not quite a serum it’s Curl Gel-les’c (pronounced Curl Jealousy). This botanically based, organic curl styler imparts brilliant sheen, banishes frizz, and holds those twirls in place! Great for humid climates. Transform dry frizzy locks into the enviable curls that every woman dreams of, with Curl Gel-les’c. Go ahead, your curls deserve it! Ingredients :  Purified...

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