
I Miss You. Where Are You. Come Back!

5:55 PM

My inbox has been filled with messages like that for the past couple of months. I admit, I did leave you guys kind of stranded with no real reason why and for that I apologize :( It was never my intention to take a break it just happened...I stopped typing, stopped caring for "hair talk" and videos. At one point I just stopped opening my laptop all together. No lie, it's true. I needed a break. A break to discover new things and refresh myself to give you guys better content. Content that I want to see. I strive to do just that :)

What's my hair been up to? Straight hair, braid outs and mini twists..the usual lol! I'm still obsessed with Kera Care's Leave In and Butter Cream. I haven't really tried any new products, but I just placed a very random order with www.LuckyVitamin.com and I can't wait to review and share. I've also been having this nagging itch to get my hair cut...GASP! Now before y'all start hyperventilating I talking about getting my hair shaped, or whatever it's called. My hair has grown so much that it's lost it's shape, it just hangs there. I feel like I need more volume at the top or something. We'll see..
About those Viviscal vitamins...I kept forgetting to take them so I just stopped. After finishing one pack I didn't notice a boost in growth, but I did notice a decrease in shedding. I have 2 more packs left and I plan on starting back up soon, updates and such will of course be posted here.

After the jump you'll find a few pics I posted on Instagram...

So that's all for now, I just wanted to say... I miss you too. I'm right here. I'm back :) -Shana

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28 People Obsessing!

  1. Life happens! Welcome back cant wait for you to share.

  2. I love your hair (love your mini twist). It is easier for me to maintain my hair thank you! xxx from France !

  3. OMG, I was so worried about you. But its good to hear that you're doing well. We all go through a point in life were you need a break from life. Love the pics!

  4. Glad you are back even if it's for a little while!

  5. Giiiiiirl!!!! I was wondering what happened to you!!! Glad you're fine and your hair is looking beautiful as usual. ;) Happy....almost Friday....as I type this. lol

  6. glad you are back. Missed you a great deal. For a moment there i must confess i thought you were knocked up or something and wanted to take a break and surprise us. lol. Greetings from Ghana.

  7. So glad that you are back, miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Every one should take a break sometimes..Glad you're back and refreshed..: )

  9. Glad you are back, I really enjoy your blog!

  10. Hey!! Just decided to check your blog to see if you posted any updates :) Glad to see you back lady!

  11. omg..your hair! hope all is well..i totally understand the break.

  12. So, so, glad you are back!!! :-) You are so my friend in my head! Welcome back! Love that pic of you and your neice!! Priceless!

  13. So happy to see a post from you. I'm glad you're doing well also.

  14. I kept checking, I knew you would be back but it's okay, life happens and after all, it is just hair, do you boo:)

  15. yay! so glad to see you back! life happens and i understand how sometimes you're just not feeling it! i feel ya! how long is all that beautiful hair of yours now? from @keisha1095 from twitter

  16. That bun is too fabulous! Loving the last picture...so cute!!! Welcome back! :)

  17. yay you're back! missed you

  18. Taking a break is definitely warranted..but I'm so glad you are back to blogging! Your hair still looks amazing.

  19. I got a little worried about you, but I'm elated you're back on the scene! I'm sure your viewers understand that sometimes you have to take a step back from cyberspace and get back to spending time with yourself. Your hair looks so lovely! You're such an inspiration to me! Glad you're back!

  20. Hey KKQ,

    Good to see you, it's always good to take time out for yourself and step back from everything. I so love the different ways you tie your scarfs. When you get a chance, could you do a tutorial on different styles or your favorite style? Thanks in advance.

  21. KKQ,
    can we follow you on instagram?
    it would be awesome to have some natural hairspirations. :)

  22. @TaiH Absolutely, my IG name is "ItsMeShana" :)

  23. It's 2013, I hope you come back to you tube with some new content very soon. I hope all is well. Is there a new channel where you are now.


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