
Favorite 9 Posts Of 2009

In no particular order here are my favorite posts of 2009.  Enjoy :-)It All Starts At Home 3279597Ethnic Hair Products & Cancer 636385410 Reasons Why Women Should Go Natural 3636521Hair Diary: Tanisha Renee 6199664Could You Pull This Off? 3116351Get Liberated With Nikia Phoenix 62751768 Tips For Healthy Hair 6129042America's Next Top Mane 6710904Overbearing Mother...What To Do? 5387853Whenever you get a chance to, check...

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Hair Inspiration: Lisa Bonet

2 Years Down, So Many More To Go!!!

Today marks the 2 year anniversary of my Big Chop.  Ok Ok...I don't really remember the exact date, but I know it was the last week of December 2007. That's my story and I'm sticking to it...LOL!  I was so scared when I finally let go of my relaxed ends. I was terrified of what people would think and say.  Heck, I didn't even...

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Hair Update: I Trimmed My Ends

A few weeks ago, while playing in my hair, I noticed my ends were a lot drier than usual.  Even after applying a moisturizer they still felt dry.  Unsure of what the cause was, I got my scissors out and got work.  Five or six twists at a time, I spritzed my ends with a conditioner mix (Water, Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose, Bee...

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In Review: Safi Avocado Shea Butter

Product Description: This Avocado Shea Hair Butter is a very light and subtle product that can be used on natural hair to style and moisturize.  Ideally this butter can be used to hydrate parched curls and add shine to any style.  It's also a great product to use for twist outs and braid outs.  A little of this handmade hair butter goes a...

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Show Off: Kesha

Hello KKQ,My name is Kesha and I have been natural for a 1yr as of November..and I am lovin it and I am still learning how to manage it.  Thanks to your youtube channel along with other natural hair youtubers, I have been able to learn a whole lot about my hair.  The pics I am sending is actually a braid out gone bad..lol.  I had decided to try it instead of my usual flat twist...

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Obsessive Links

Showing love and support to my fellow bloggers....Enjoy :-)Detoxing My Hair: Naturally KinkerbellePressed Hair Fleeting Glimpse: It's Just HairWhen Long Hair Isn't Good Enough: Mahogany KnotsKPLR Interview: Curly NikkiNatural Hair Journal: SumKindaWndrfulDeep Conditioning For The Kiddies: Texture Playground  Showing love and support to my fellow bloggers....Enjoy :-)Detoxing My Hair: Naturally KinkerbellePressed Hair Fleeting Glimpse: It's Just HairWhen Long Hair Isn't Good Enough: Mahogany...

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Quote Of The Week

There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.-Douglas Everett Naomi Campbell for V Magazine June/August 2008 ...

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America's Next Top Mane!

LOL...I know the title is corny, but I was feeling very "model like" in my bathroom one early morning.  The sun was shining through and was hitting my twists in all the right spots.  Shooting without flash let's you see my frizzies and flyaways in all their glory.  Gotta love natural hair!!  **Note: My twists are 13 days old.Got some cool hair shots send them...

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Curly Hair & Trichohyalin...What's The Connection?

I read an interesting article, written by Paul Arnold, today about the genectics of curly hair.  Here's a small excerpt...A gene called Trichohyalin is strongly suspected of influencing whether your tresses are twisted or not.  Trichohyalin (TCCH) on chromosome one is a gene that is usually expressed in the inner root sheath and is involved in the development of the hair follicle.  But it also...

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Get The Look: Rihanna Is Fur Fierce

Get like Rih and adds some fur to your wardrobe. All the pieces above are animal friendly and won't put a huge dent in your wallet. According to TheYbf.com, Rihanna's hat can be found at H&M.Pictures: RihannaDaily.com Get like Rih and adds some fur to your wardrobe. All the pieces above are animal friendly and won't put a huge dent in your wallet....

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Honest Scrap: 10 Questions Tag!

So I was tagged with the Honest Scrap award by Natural Bells!!!!! Thanks Sis :-)  By accepting this award I'll have to share 10 Honest Things about myself...this ought to be interesting...lol.10. I don't know everything about natural hair.  I'm learning just like everybody else.  So don't get mad if I can't answer your question, that's why we have Google!!!9. White people following...

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The Twists Are Back!

As most of you already know, the teeny twists are back!!!  I didn't plan on wearing twists for the entire winter, but I'm loving my twists and I don't see myself getting tired of them anytime soon.  They're sooo convenient and easy to maintain.  Before doing my current set I did give my hair a few days rest, to wash and deep condition,...

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A Gift For Moi!!

Whether your looking for last minute gift ideas or interested in testing out some new products without commiting to full size prices, gifts sets might be a  solution.  I've been eyeing Ojon hair products for a while now, but their line is a bit too expensive for my budget.  With prices that range from $18 to $69 the temptation to buy quickly fades away.  Most, if not...

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Fab Sweaters On Any Budget

Get comfy and warm without breaking the bank, in these toasty sweaters.  Rock them with your favorite jeans and boots or layer them with a sexy camisole and heels.  Whatever style you pick, wear it with attitude :-)I'm digging the Forever 21 Mixed Yarn Sweater... Get comfy and warm without breaking the bank, in these toasty sweaters.  Rock them with your favorite jeans and...

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Princess Tiana Is A....Hit!!!!!!

According to TheYBF.com, Disney's Princess & The Frog pulled in $25 million its opening weekend.  Making Disney's 1st African American princess #1 at the box office.  That's HUGE!!  Congratulations to all involved in this project, especially the voice behind the princess Anika Noni Rose.  Below you can check out the latest Princess Tiana inspired swag.  Perfect for the little princess in your life...

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Quote Of The Week

"To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are."Rapper Drake via Twitter "To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are."Rapper Drake via Twitter ...

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Nazri Segaro

**If she looks familiar its because she was once a model on Project Runway.  She was designer Michael Knight's favorite girl.Nationality: EthiopianSource: 301Models.com **If she looks familiar its because she was once a model on Project Runway.  She was designer Michael Knight's favorite girl.Nationality: EthiopianSource: 301Models.com ...

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D.I.Y. Beauty: Megatek Frosting Recipe

This post is dedicated to all the Mega-Tek lovers out there.  If Mega-Tek is your product of choice for growing and strengthening your tresses, than you'll love this recipe.Ingredients You'll Need:Mega-Tek ( Duh!! )Raw Cocoa ButterVitamin ECastor OilCoconut OilFor further directions please watch the video below, as Alex breaks down the mixing process.  Enjoy :-)Alex, who is also the owner of Safi Hair Care, recently...

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Spotted: Corrine Bailey Rae

Corrine was spotted at the star packed Vevo launch party Tuesday night in New York City.  Her hair was big and wild, yet her outfit was simple and sexy.  A winning combination in my book.  What do guys think of her new look? Corrine was spotted at the star packed Vevo launch party Tuesday night in New York City.  Her hair was big...

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In Review: Bee Mine Products

All I can say is great products and AWESOME customer service!!!  If you love 100% Natural and 100% Organic products, this maybe the hair collection for you.  Being able to understand the products and ingredients that we put on our hair, without having to grab a dictionary to understand those big and confusing words, is always a GREAT thing.  Also when a hair company is appreciative of...

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Quote Of The Week

"Beauty is not defined by the masses, but by the opinion of the individual."Rune Leknes "Beauty is not defined by the masses, but by the opinion of the individual."Rune Leknes ...

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Hair Diary: S. Johnson

When and why did you decide to go natural? I'm so new to this!  My last relaxer was February 27, 2009, I transitioned for 6 months and BC'ed in August.  I remember the last day I got a perm,  I was pissed off at my stylist for taking forever to do my hair, thus making me late picking up my besties from the train...

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Bee Mine Products Review Coming Soon!

I've been hella busy this week with life, school and family that I haven't had a chance to write up a proper review of Bee Mine hair products. I'm so lucky to have had the chance to try out these products and I'm anxious to share my experience with you guys.  I have a lot to say about these products, especially the customer service, so...

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Obsessive Pumps Under $100

Click Images For More DetailsMore Selections On Page 2 Click Images For More DetailsMore Selections On Page 2 ...

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Obsessed Mail: Detangling Help!

A Naturally Obsessed reader asks:Q: What is the best way to go about detangling my natural hair?The first thing you want to do is to divide your hair into sections.  However many sections you do will depend on the length, thickness and texture of your hair.  I usually do 4-6 sections because my hair is very thick and highly textured.  Next rinse your hair...

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Jessi M'Bengue

Agency: Sutherland ModelsSoure: ModelWire.com Agency: Sutherland ModelsSoure: ModelWire.com ...

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Quote of the Week

"Dance like nodody's watching, Dream like you'll live forever, Live like your going to die tomorrow and Love like it's never going to hurt."Meme Grifters "Dance like nodody's watching, Dream like you'll live forever, Live like your going to die tomorrow and Love like it's never going to hurt."Meme Grifters ...

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