
Blown Away....

Hot dryers at even hotter prices.  All come with multiple settings and various attachments to get your do done right. Hot dryers at even hotter prices.  All come with multiple settings and various attachments to get your do done right. ...

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Get To Know Her : Laura Izibor

 Laura is a singer, song writer and producer from Dublin, Ireland.   I love everything about her hair.  We need more celebs who are proud to where their natural hair ...in its natural state...on a regular basis...Oprah..heheClick the link below to see her video for " From My Heart To Yours ". ...One of my favs.http://www.lauraizibor.com/videos/ (Official Website)  Laura is a singer, song writer and producer from...

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WC : What is Co-Washing?

In a nutshell co-washing is basically washing your hair with conditioner.  Plain and simple.  The same steps that you take to wash your hair with shampoo, flip it and do the same steps with your conditioner.  Co-washing is one of the best things you can do for your natural hair.  Heck this method works for all hair types.  It allows you to mildly...

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Hair Progress

Last week I for the "Weekly Counsel" I discussed the benefit of having patience when trying to grow your hair.  Well here's some proof for you guys.  Yesterday I got a little frustrated with my hair and decided to do a wash & go.  Mind you I hadn't done one of these in a very long time but, I was too tired to twist my...

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Pamper Your Scalp...

...It will thank you later.  Here's a few oils that are sure to nourish and protect your scalp.  I apply oil to my scalp every time I shampoo or co-wash and once a week for a relaxing scalp massage.Jojoba Oil : Conditions your hair and prevents it from being brittle and dull.Hemp Seed Oil : Considered to be the #1 nutritional oil for...

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Hot Heels

Victoria's Secret is waaay more than bras and fancy undies, their shoe inventory is off the hook this season. Victoria's Secret is waaay more than bras and fancy undies, their shoe inventory is off the hook this season. ...

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I got bit by the Twitter bug...YIKES !

  Its pretty obvious by the title ... Im On Twitter !!!!! http://twitter.com/KinkyKurlyQueenAfter hearing soooo much about it I thought I'd join just to see what all the fuss is about.  So far so good.  As of right now I'm just testing the waters with Twittter. Still tryna figure out what's so great about it.  And I'm starting to feel like I spend way to...

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Flax Seed Hair Gel

I found this recipe on SoapForGoodnessSake.comIngredients : 2 Tablespoons of Whole Flax Seeds1 Cup of WaterPure Aloe Vera Gel, if desiredFew Drops of Essential Oil for scent (optional)Instructions : Bring water to a boil.  Stir the seeds into the water and reduce heat.  Simmer for about 10 minutes**, stirring constantly until a gel-like lotion is formed.  Strain through a fine strainer or cheesecloth into a...

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Fab Flats Under $50

How can I get my hair to grow?

Today's counsel is dedicated to those who are transitioning or who have recently did the "BIG CHOP".  Many of us when we first decide to go natural really don't understand what exactly we're getting into.  We get so caught up in length that we totally forget about the health of our hair. I get so many emails and comments on both YouTube and Fotki about what products...

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Salon Care Apple Pear Conditioner

I stumbled on this product while trying to find some more info on another conditioner and I thought I'd share my discovery with you.  Where can you find a 128oz. of salon quality conditioner for under 10 bucks? Nowhere, would be the correct answer. Here's a little bit of what the Salon Care company has to say about it....Salon quality conditioners allow you...

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Naomi ... The GIANT

 Naomi Campbell is looking "FroTastic" on the May issue of GIANT magazine.  I know for a fact this is not her real hair but, I can still appreciate it all the same.  And looking at this pic right here makes me want to hit the gym ASAP...lol.To see photos from her gorgeous spread click the link below.http://giant.blackplanet.com/articles/photos/giant-gallery-naomi-campbell/  Naomi Campbell is looking "FroTastic" on the May...

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I Flat Ironed My Hair

My process in a nutshell:I deep conditioned my hair using Organic Root Stimulator's Replenishing Conditioner and Suave's Professional Sleek Conditioner Sunday evening.  Late Monday afternoon I rinsed and then shampooed my hair with VO5 Kiwi Lime Squeeze Clarifying Shampoo (good stuff).  Applied a little Kemi Oyl to my scalp and allowed the hair to air dry about 75%, then blow dried it completely dry...

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Delightful Denim

You can't get any more simple than a denim dress.  Add some neutral accesories and subtle touches of gold and you've turned simple, casual into chic and sexy.Total Cost : $183.00 You can't get any more simple than a denim dress.  Add some neutral accesories and subtle touches of gold and you've turned simple, casual into chic and sexy.Total Cost : $183.00 ...

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AGrlCanMac ... Glam Curls Profile

1.Briefly explain your hair routine. Hmm... It is always changing! LOL. Let's see: dc once a week, co-wash once a week, acv rinse with every wash, henna gloss once a month, moisturize daily and/or when necessary2. Have you ever regretted your decision to go natural? If so, why? Nopers. The only thing I regret is not doing it sooner!3. What is the best thing about...

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Caramel Hair Treatment .. Natural Hair Softener

 This treatment softens and hydrates the driest and the roughest hair textures.  It can also help people who are transitioning to stretch their relaxers for longer periods of time before they Big Chop. And helps those with natural hair by softening the texture for easier de-tangling and manageability.  The results of the caramel treatment are not permanent; they last for up to 4 weeks so should...

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Copa Canary's ...Glam Curls Profile

1.Briefly explain your hair routine.I cleanse my scalp 1-2 times a week and my hair once a week with shampoo bars.  I follow with deep treatments once every two weeks, and use a regular conditioner otherwise. I moisturize my hair with leave-in creams and conditioners, then seal with oil based products.  I mainly style my hair with moisturizing pomades or natural gels in...

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Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose Moisturizing Conditioner

For Dry, Brittle Hair Organic Shea Butter & Rosa Mosqueta® Oil Deep-conditions & protects; soften hair textureOrganic Aloe replenishes moistureHoneysuckle Oil adds a soft, floral scent Ingredients : Coconut Fatty Acid Cream Base, Organic Aloe Vera, Organic Shea Butter, Wheat Germ Oil, Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Rosa Mosqueta® Rose Hip Seed Oil; Extracts of Fennel, Hops, Balm Mint, Mistletoe, Chamomile, Yarrow, Chrysanthemum, Angelica, Forsythia...

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Feminine Casual

Simple casual with sweet feminine charm.  A teal halter dress with a matching sash belt and slight flare is the perfect way to start off the season.  Paired with teal multicolored paisley sandal, woven bag and gold disc earrings this look is definitely a winner.Total Cost : $173.30 Simple casual with sweet feminine charm.  A teal halter dress with a matching sash belt and slight flare is the...

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Spring Fever

An easy and casual look for spring.  Nice dark wash denim with a clean white tee and neutral peep-toe sandal.  The orange multi colored scarf and bag can be substituted to whatever your favorite color is to give this simple look a refreshing pop of color.Total Cost : $158.08 An easy and casual look for spring.  Nice dark wash denim with a clean...

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Avocado & Honey Conditioning Mask

 Here's a ultra cheap but effective recipe to deep condition your hair that I found on EHow.comAll you'll need is :1 Ripe Avocado - super rich in natural oils and vitamin E1/2 Cup of Honey - contains Propolis, which allows it to seal moisture in the hairAnd a clean bowlStep One: Cut the avocado lengthwise and remove the pit with a large knife...Scoop ot...

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Jaybby04 ... Glam Curls Profile

1.Briefly explain your hair routine.Every week I spritz diluted vinegar and baking soda on my scalp and rub with my fingertips to cleanse it, I let it sit for about 5 mins and then rinse with cool water then I co-wash with V05 Moisture Milks: Passion Fruit Smoothie with honey and EVOO added and again rinse with cool water leaving a small amount...

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KinkyKurlyQueen ... Glam Curls Profile

1.Briefly explain your hair routine.I try to keep it very simple.  I shampoo my hair once a month with whatever shampoo I have lying around.  I co-wash once a week sometimes twice a week .  I deep condition once a week and I usually leave it on overnight and detangle in the morning.  I try to massage my  scalp every week with either Coconut...

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Randerykah3 ... Glam Curls Profile

1.Briefly explain your hair routine.I wash my hair once a month at the beginning of that month (easier to keep track). I then follow up with using my Aphoogee Keratin 2-Minute Re-Constructor treatment. I detangle and then I use my Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In conditioner Repair and coconut oil to style my hair. Either in a twists for an awesome twist out or...

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EbonyPrincessH ... Glam Curls Profile

1.Briefly explain your hair routine.In a few words, my routine is simple and very minimal.  My fabulous four products of choice are water, TRESemme's Moisture Rich Conditioner, Castor oil and baking soda.I wash my hair every 3 to 4 days.For simple co-washing, I use diluted or straight TRESemme's Moisture Rich.Since my discovery of baking soda, I've incorporated it into my cleansing process.  I...

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Did You Catch It.... The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency

 From BlackFilm.comSynopsis: Based on the best-selling novel series by Alexander McCall Smith, "Detective Agency" chronicles the adventures of Precious Ramotswe, the proprietor of the only female-owned detective agency in Botswana. Singer Jill Scott will take the lead role of Precious Ramotswe in the Botswana-based version of Alexander McCall Smith's best-selling novel, which will be directed and written by Anthony Minghella and co-written by...

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