
The Coil Review : Re-Loaded

1:53 PM

The Coil Review Relaunch Commercial from The Coil Review on Vimeo.


I felt like I was watching a "Sex & The City" promo but with natural hair....lol.  I loved it. 

"The Coil Review" is an online magazine that is dedicated to being a reliable source of information for those who love their natural hair.  If you haven't check it out yet please do.  Trust me you will not be disappointed.


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6 People Obsessing!

  1. Oooh I loved it! Can't wait to check it out July 1st.

  2. I love this!! Cant wait till July!!! Thanks for posting this.

  3. Oh that was great!

  4. Thanx 4 that. Can't wait.


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