
Wash Day...

1:00 PM

 The twists are finally out! It took me alllll day, but doesn't always lol!! I'm not really in the mood to fool with it. If dirty hair with a hint of dandruff was socially acceptable, I would totally walk out the door like this....but it's not, so I won't :(
 In other random news...This top was buried in my closet and hasn't seen the light of day since August 2007. I bought from a shop in Cancun while honeymooning with the Mister. Just decided to throw it on to snap a pic for you guys :) The color and shiny things are so much prettier in person...

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14 People Obsessing!

  1. That top is too cute!

  2. You have a little hippie, boho look goin'. I like! It's cool!! All you need is a braided headband around your forehead, and you'll have the look down!!!!

  3. the top. the hair. just beautifulll! :)

  4. Love the look! Have you thought about being featured on CN?

  5. Thanks ladies :)

    @Adesuwa lol!!

    @Keisha I was featured on her site, I think, a year ago...I love her site!!

  6. You, your hair, and that shirt are all gorgeous.

  7. If it were me I would have tried to get away with it up until it was time to go!!! LOLOL!! Happy early Anniversary to you and the Mister!!

  8. Prettier in person? Erm, surely that's impossible?!
    Your hair looks so thick and lush! I would have found a reason to go out with my hair like that. It looks great. I can't believe all you've done is take your twists out. I have to do juju to make my hair obedient!

  9. look at all that AWESOME hair! many of your pics should be featured on lecoil.

  10. Beautiful, absolutely beautiful!!


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