
The Twists Are Gone...

Excuse the tired eyes lol! I took my twists down on Monday, after they had reached the 3 week mark on Saturday. It took me about 3.5-4 hours in all. I decide not to rock a twist out, because even though it looked great my hair was in need of a good wash. So this shot is of my hair all picked out...

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Obsessive Links: How To Keep Your Curls Looking Fresh!

(Article via TGIN.blogspot.com) Your natural hair is a gift. A beautiful gift that should be nurtured, cared for and tended to. That doesn’t mean the nurturing, tending to and caring for will be free from trial and error. Many a nights during my transitional stages I stared in my mirror, frustrated at the lack of progress I was making. I loved my hair, but it...

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A Chill Kind Of Day....

I'm so not good at wrapping these things, but it was hot as heck yesterday and my twists had finally reached their limit. They were a fuzzy mess and I didn't have the patience to retwist and make them look "neat" so I grabbed one of my big scarfs and got this. I'm gonna watch a few youtube tutorials to really get the...

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Obsessed Mail

This message was sent to me via Tumblr... Hi. I'm currently transitioning and I'm having the hardest time detangling my hair. Like when I detangle, the relaxed part gets tangled again. I also moisturized my hair after washing, but it's still very very dry. Do you have any suggestions on how to maintain moisture and properly wash and detangle my hair? Also, whats...

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Obsessive Quote Of The Week

"You should be able to make a man smile with your clothes on". (source) "You should be able to make a man smile with your clothes on". (source) ...

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How I Maintain My Twists...In A Nutshell

I've mentioned my twists maintenance a couple times before but I still get lots of comments and messages asking how I do it. So I figured I'd explain with pictures this time lol! Note...These steps are usually done at night, so the pics are of my hair the next morning after all these steps were taken the night before. Step #1: I begin my...

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And The Winner Of The Enso Naturals Giveaway Is.....

Myrlyn V. was randomly selected to win 2 fab prizes from Enso Naturals!!! Congratulations sis and I'd like to say thank you to all those who enter in this giveaway. There were so many of you I wish I could have picked 2 winners lol! But no worries, there will be more giveaways and contests in the future :) Below you'll find Myrlyn's...

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Hair Update....

Hey ladies! I know it's been a whollle week since my last posting, but I promise you I haven't forgotten about you guys. Computer issues and just not having enough time is to blame. Today I just wanted to give you guys a little hair update....My twists are going on 2 weeks old and are holding up pretty well. I've been spritzing (with...

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Random Fab Finds...

Me and Niecey Poo in our $1 store shades thinking we cute :) Niecey Poo celebrated her 4th birthday Wednesday, May 11th and this weekend is her big party, so we plan to have big fun!! I hope you guys have a great weekend as well...rain or shine don't forget to smile :) ...

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Protective Styling With Twists

Last Saturday night..crampy and bored, I decided to throw in some twists as a protective style. I began by washing, conditioning and detangling my hair. I then applied grape seed oil and a small dab of Jane Carter's Hair Nourishing Cream (I had a small sample...I do a full review of that brand soon) to 4 sections and set them in braids to...

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Hair Lust....

(source)Rebecca Jefferson (source)Rebecca Jefferson ...

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Giveaway!! Win Hair Goodies From Enso Naturals!!!

Enso Naturals would love to introduce you guys to their natural and affordable product line by sponsoring this generous giveaway valued at $28!! Based out of Orange, California, Enso Naturals is a line created to address the growing needs of women with curly, kinky, coily and relaxed hair textures. The line consists of products formulated from wholesome ingredients like Argan Oil, Macadamia Oil,...

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Hair Diary: Kirstin W.

About me...Hi my name is Kirstin. I'm a wife and mother of two~a girl and a boy! Currently I am a stay at home mom and natural hair junkie. I currently reside in Richmond, VA where the natural hair scene is booming. I recently transitioned my daughter, she is 8 and in the 2nd grade, and I'm so proud of the both of...

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Nappy Hair Runs In My Family

I couldn't resist buying this tee..it's only $12 and the phrase is too cute :) Get your tee >> HERE!! I couldn't resist buying this tee..it's only $12 and the phrase is too cute :) Get your tee >> HERE!! ...

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Video: Dry Twist Out Using Shea Moisture Deep Treatment Masque

Thinning & Breaking Hair...What's The Difference?

(By Lynne Sheldon of LiveStrong.com)  Overview Most people lose over 50 hairs a day, but several factors can contribute to more rapid hair loss. Thinning hair is often the result of age or a nutrient deficiency, while breaking hair results from harsh styling or improper care. A doctor can help determine which type of loss you are experiencing and discuss treatment options with...

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Quick Review: Shea Moisture Shea Butter Deep Treatment Masque

So...remember my twists from the Given By Nature review?? Well, it's been a week and a half and I still have them in lol! Once the got a bit fuzzy I decided to use SM Shea Butter Deep Treatment Masque as a styler and retwist. It's the first time I used it since my purchase at Walgreen's. I didn't even know I could...

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Have You Ever Danced....With Your Afro?!!?

Get into this!! Les Nubians "Afro Dance" from their new album Nü Revolution. ...

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Curly Girls Rock Recap

On Friday, April 29, 2011, three Atlanta based natural hair bloggers hosted the natural hair meetup at the Harlem Nights Lounge located at 201 Courtland Street, NE, Atlanta, GA 30303. Attendees received complimentary makeovers, hairstyle tutorials, mini manicures, and mini massages. Donations were collected for Beauty Recycled. The hosts of “Curly Girls Rock” have been known to put on fabulous natural hair events...

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