
Length Check For November 2010

1:49 PM

I am offically BSL! My hair has been on my my bra strap before, but I only consider it to be true BSL when it sits under the strap....not just grazing the top. Despite this posting, I'm not length obsessed at all, but I know some of my readers enjoy these types of posts and find them helpful...so this is for you guys :) Note: I will be doing a light trim on my hair while twisted so these measurements will change a little.

Here are my current measurements in inches...
Sides: 13.5
Front: 14
Top/Crown: 15
Middle Back: 13
Back/Nape: 12.5 - 13
To see my previous length check click the link! http://naturalsobsessed.blogspot.com/2010/11/length-check-for-november-2010.html

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