
Video: Styling And Maintaining My Kinks While Twisted!

Natural hair is the Bomb.com...Go tell a friend lol!! Natural hair is the Bomb.com...Go tell a friend lol!! ...

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Hair Diary: Alexis J.

About Me....Hello World! My name is Alexis and I became apart of the natural hair community all the way back in April of 2006. I transitioned for about a year before doing a big chop in order to have some length (it was torture!). For me being natural has feels almost like being re-born.. its an amazing feeling. As a cancer researcher I...

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Obsessed Mail: I'm Not Feeling My Texture!

"I'm basically confused and fed-up to a point of no end!  I'm currently transitioning (I think) from relaxed to natural. But I don't want to stop there. I always wanted a dry curly, wavy look, somewhat like what you have. But unlike you I was not blessed with such great quality natural hair. I was thinking of putting in a wave nouveau to try to get that curly look,...

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Random Shots: Enjoying My Twisted Kinks!

*sings* "You know what I love...That's right my hair! I really love my haaaiiirrr!!" For those of you who follow me on Fotki, I'm currently updating my photo albums. I know it's been while, but all the albums from May through November 2010 will be filled. In the meantime here's the link http://www.fotki.com/KinkyKurlyQueen *sings* "You know what I love...That's right my hair! I...

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Hair Diary: Carolyn W.

When and why did you decide to go natural?I have been natural twice. Once in high school and again my sophomore year of college. I have been completely natural since November 15, 2007.Were your family and friends supportive of your decision? If not, how were you able to move forward?My family members did not really care what I did with my hair. They all know I have...

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Alicia & Her Curls Pose For Mr. Beatz

New wife and mother, Alicia Keys flaunts her curls while posing for her hubby Swizz Beatz. She looks gorgeous!! Mr. Beatz (lol! that sounds funny) TwitPic'ed the pic with the following caption..."THIS IS HANDS DOWN THE BEST CANVAS I EVER PAINTED! ITS MY BEST WORK EVER WOW!!!!!!!! ART IS LIFE & LIFE IS LOVE......."{Source} New wife and mother, Alicia Keys flaunts her curls...

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Length Check For November 2010

I am offically BSL! My hair has been on my my bra strap before, but I only consider it to be true BSL when it sits under the strap....not just grazing the top. Despite this posting, I'm not length obsessed at all, but I know some of my readers enjoy these types of posts and find them helpful...so this is for you guys :)...

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Fab Fashion Finds From TopShop

All Twisted Up....Again!!

Yesss the twists are back again and I couldn't be happier. I seriously needed this break from my hair! Having thick/tightly coiled hair and a lot of it can have it's ups and downs...especially when it comes to detangling it. I absolutely love my hair, but sometimes the detangling process has me staring at the scissors a bit too long lol! Then I...

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