
Obsessive Links ♥

Check out these cool links from around the web!!Embracing Shrinkage: It's Just HairFinally Defined: Naturally KinkerbelleAm I Black Enough For You: Clutch MagazineGive Me That Hair: Mop Top MavenExperiments In Acrylic: Passion FruitThe Do's & Don'ts of Self Publishing with Tia Donaldson: The Indiestry Check out these cool links from around the web!!Embracing Shrinkage: It's Just HairFinally Defined: Naturally KinkerbelleAm I Black Enough For You:...

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My Fab Twist Out....

Bored with a 5 day old braid out and not up to co-washing my massive bush, I decided to throw in some two strand twists.  In small sections I spritz some Oyin Handmade Juices & Berries, smoothed on a little Bee Mine Curly Butter and twirled my ends with a dab of Castor Oil.  Armed with a few bobby pins that I was...

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Liya Kebede For VOUGE!

No there is no fro or curls in these shots, but Liya is working it out in these pics and I just had to post them.  Fab!!Images: TheYBF.com No there is no fro or curls in these shots, but Liya is working it out in these pics and I just had to post them.  Fab!!Images: TheYBF.com ...

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Me & The Sun...

Last week and after many days of not so good weather, I woke up with the sun beaming through my window.  I am so not a morning person and usually have a stank attitude if you wake me up too early, but that day was different.  I felt rested, energized and blessed that I was able to wake up and see the sun.  With...

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Quote Of The Week

"Natural hair is a glorious movement, rapidly spreading like a sunrise. Now that it's daylight there is no excuse not to be apart of it. "Camille Reed via Twitter "Natural hair is a glorious movement, rapidly spreading like a sunrise. Now that it's daylight there is no excuse not to be apart of it. "Camille Reed via Twitter ...

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Fab Finds Under $100

Keep It Soft & Pretty! Keep It Soft & Pretty! ...

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Hair Diary: LaToya J

When and why did you decide to go natural?I decided to go natural in October of 2008.  The decision happened at the same time that I was applying my last relaxer ( it was to late to turn back at this point, the relaxer was already on my hair and I wasn't ready to shave ALL my hair off at that time).  There...

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Rachel Roy ♥ Under $150

Get the Rachel Roy look on a Macy's budget :-) Get the Rachel Roy look on a Macy's budget :-) ...

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Stress & Hair Loss..What's The Connection??

Here's an interesting blog I found, written by Lynn Drake MD, that breaks down the affects that stress can have on your hair.  Below is a short excerpt of the article...When the body and our heath is negatively affected (trauma, pregnancy, emotional stress, major illness) your hair no longer has priority for your health maintenance.  It's as if your body is saying, "I've got bigger...

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OMG Your Hair Is Sooo Shiny!!

Not Really...LOL!  The flash on a camera can be a deceiving little monster.  Now yes in person there is a nice sheen to my hair, but its nowhere near the high shine that is sometimes seen in my pics.  Here's a some flash-less pics of a wash & go I did a few weeks ago below...**My favorite products to add shine are: Coconut Oil, Evoo and...

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Urban Outfitters ♥ Under $100

The curly haired model is working it!! Ugh, I can't wait for summer.... The curly haired model is working it!! Ugh, I can't wait for summer.... ...

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Need Help With Your KinkyKurly...Princess??

Well these YouTube channels might be able to help you!  Like I've said many times before, loving and appreciating our natural hair starts at home.  Our little girls look up to us and its our job to let them know that they are beautiful...AS IS!! Beads, Braids & BeyondThe Rave ReviewAFRICAN EXPORT My Curly Baby If you like what you see make sure you subscribe and support these...

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Hair Diary: Sheena C.

When and why did you decide to go natural?I always wanted to go natural, but I finally got up the courage to BC on January 19, 2010.Were your family and friends supportive of your decision?  If not, how were you able to move forward?My mom was mortified!  Even though I have had short hair before it was always relaxed...but she is coming around.  Especially when I...

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Fab Finds Under $100 at Alloy!

Cute stuff, cheap price!! Cute stuff, cheap price!! ...

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What's The Hold Up KKQ?!!?

Sorry guys for the delay in postings, I've just been a bit busy with family and school. No need to panic though more posts are on the way!  Until then check out these pics of a fab braid out turned up do :-) Sorry guys for the delay in postings, I've just been a bit busy with family and school. No need to panic though more posts are on the...

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Victoria's Secret....

They're more than just push up bras and sexy undies!! They're more than just push up bras and sexy undies!! ...

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TWA Hair Diary: Karla aka KayLaLa!!

When and why did you decide to go natural?This is actually my second time going natural.  First time I did it back in 2001 for convenience.  I was on a weight loss mission and was tired of having to worry about my hair so I cut it myself.  I would stay a TWA if it wasn't for my own curiosity.  Knowing that my hair grew...

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Fab Flats under $100

Hair Diary: Rhea S.

When and why did you decide to go natural?January 6th or 7th of 2010.  I had never liked perms in general and hated getting them, but I didn't know what else to since I wasn't taking care of my hair.  It would usually get to be to much for me to handle, so I would get a perm whenever I couldn't take it. ...

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Love * Hate: Jill Scott Naacp Image Awards

These pics were taken of singer Jill Scott working the red carpet at the NAACP Image Awards this past Saturday.  Of course I was tweeting while I watched and read a lot of mixed opinions on Jill's new hair do.  So I have to ask do you Hate It or Love It?!!?Images: GettyImages.com These pics were taken of singer Jill Scott working the red carpet at...

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Get Free With Free People

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