
**Updated : Solange Chats It Up With Oprah!!!!!

With the recent let down of Tyra Banks failing to inform the masses about black hair and the issues that black women have with our hair, I'm hoping Oprah handles the real issues like the vet that she is.  If you follow Solange Knowles on twitter then you know how excited she is about her appearance.  I'm excited for her, not just because she cut her hair off, but...

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Naptural Poetry : Jackie Why Did You Cut Your Hair by Jackie Joice

Jackie why did you cut your hair?I liked it the "other way"Jackie are you going ill?Jackie do you belong to a religious cult?Jackie are you a lesbian?I cut my hair becauseI was tired offryingburningcookingcrimpingchoppingcuttingcurlingpullingstretchinggellingslickingrelaxingpermingand spending.That's why I cut my hair!-Jackie Joice Jackie why did you cut your hair?I liked it the "other way"Jackie are you going ill?Jackie do you belong to a religious...

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All Black Everything

Who says black is boring?  Add a bit of sexiness and mystery to your wardrobe with simple all black looks.About.com Says : Considered the negation of color, black is conservative, goes well with almost any color except the very dark. It also has conflicting connotations. It can be serious and conventional. The color black can also be mysterious, sexy, and sophisticated.   Use the...

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Get The Look: Janet Gorgeous In Milan

Check out Miss Jackson looking gorgeous while attending a Giorgio Armani fashion show in Milan.  This is an easy look that could work on women of all ages.  And it proves that you and still be sexy without having to show all your goodies.  Go Janet!!  Scroll down to see how to get the look for less.Click Images For Details and PricingPictures Courtesy of...

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Who's Gonna Hunt Chris Brown Tonight? WTH!!!

Why somebody took the time out to spoof Jay Z's "Run This Town" the world never know. But I'm glad they did, because I sho nuff needed a laugh tonight....LMBO!!!!!**His impression of Kanye was dead on ...lol Why somebody took the time out to spoof Jay Z's "Run This Town" the world never know. But I'm glad they did, because I sho nuff...

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Chime Edwards...Glam Curls Profile

1.  Breifly explain your hair routine.I co-wash my hair weekly with Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose Conditioner only.  I also deep condition my hair weekly with Aubrey Organics GP Conditioner.  I use shampoo to thoroughly cleanse my scalp every 3 months.  I usually wash it when it then load my hair with Giovanni Direct leave-In Conditioner and detangle it.  Then I seal it with...

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How I Applied Cassia To My Hair

Preparation :1. I sectioned my hair into 4 sections and shampoo'ed and detangled my hair with Oyin Handmade's Honey Wash (good stuff btw)2. Then I divided each of the 4 sections into 2 which makes 8.  Sectioning the hair makes it easier to apply the Cassia to the hair, especially if you have thick hair like me.  I braided each section to keep it from getting tangled. 3.  Let...

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In Review : Cassia Obovata

So for starters here's some quick info about Cassia :Mehandi.com- There is NO such thing as  neutral henna or blond henna!  Much of what is sold in boxes called neutral or blond henna is Cassia Obovata, usually with unlisted adulterants.  Cassia obovata will make damaged hair silky, thick, lustrous, and helps keep your scalp healthy, just as henna does.  This has a golden...

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My Experience With Cassia Obovata : Sneak Peek

Just wanted to give guys a quick look at the Cassia Obovato in my hair.  If your not sure what Cassia is just be patient a full review will come later on tonight.  So far my hair feels great but I want to wait until after I take my twists down to give the final verdict.  And to let you guys know if its...

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Meet Shaun : Creamy Crack's Latest Victim

There really is no words to describe this video.....I'm speechless and highly amused ...LMBO! Thanks to Saedwards20 for the link. Thoughts ??!!?? There really is no words to describe this video.....I'm speechless and highly amused ...LMBO! Thanks to Saedwards20 for the link. Thoughts ??!!?? ...

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Tyra Banks Showing Off Her Real Hair

I'm sure you all have heard by know that Tyra will be revealing to the world her real hair on her talk show, The Tyra Banks Show.  If you follow her her on twitter, like I do, than you know she has been teasing us with litle messages and blurry photos.  Well the mystery ends Tuesday, September 8th, which is tomorrow.  Now on twitter Tyra refers to...

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Just A Thought .... I miss my old length!

A couple of days ago I changed my profile picture on Twitter to the one below. I've been recieving so many compliments as if it were a recent photo but its not. This picture was taken a year and some months ago. I love the picture today but I remember wanting my hair to be longer at that time. I hated the fact...

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