
Video: Goodbye Straight Hair...Welcome Back Kinks :)

Just a random video showing how my kinks revert back and showing how some don't...yikes!!! Enjoy :) ...

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Obsessed Mail: Natural Hair Is Majestic!

 (image source) Cassel writes... I'm a white girl who googled "Thayer's witch hazel review" and quite randomly came across your blog. Your stories moved me enough to anonymously praise your work- you've inspired me as a woman! Natural hair is a majestic, powerful thing. Glorious! I have no place to say this but, I don't understand why more people don't embrace their natural...

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In Review: AG Hair Care, Curly Hair Solutions & More!

I know this video is very long and drawn out, so if you would like to skip through please follow the timeline below. Thanks Shana :) Pure Silk Protein Treatment by Curly Hair Solutions (0:29)  AG Hair Care Cosmetics  Sulfate Free "Smooth" Argan Shampoo (2:42)  Argan "Sleek" Conditioner (3:54)  "Set It Straight" Straightening Lotion (5:20) Organic Extra Virgin Argan Miracle Smoothing Oil (10:23)...

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Obsessive Links: The Art of Daniel Krall

"The piece was for a column they do where people write in and ask light health related questions. This one is about a girl who notices her vision declining because she’s been squinting a lot while texting." -Daniel Krall Dope!! I so didn't get that interpetation at first glance though lol! The guys...and the dog seem so in awe of the girl with...

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