
Video: How I Style | Braid Out Part 2

  *Watch In HD* FINALLLLLLLLY!!!!! So sorry for the HUGE delay in uploading this video. At the time this tutorial was made,  my computer was acting a fool and I had to have it serviced. I actually thought the files got deleted in the process, but after some digging I found them.  I pinky promise to never make you guys wait months for...

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Guest Post: 5 Challenges Everyone Must Try

submitted by Ken of SoulShakedownParty Personal Challenges keep me sane. Knowing that I’ve decided to start something, endured the full period and started seeing positive results or changes- however small they may be, is a great feeling. So, I’ve decided that I’m going to do a personal challenge again in the upcoming month. In deliberation, I’m running back and forth through a mental...

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Protective Styling | A Simple Twisted UpDo

In Review: As I Am Hair Care Collection

 ***WATCH IN HD*** Hey guys....long time no vids huh?!! LOL! I've missed you guys!!!!!!! This is a really quick video expressing my new found love of As I Am!! Enjoy! •Coconut Co Wash (Cleansing Conditioner)  Key Ingredients: Tangerine/ Coconut Oil/ Castor Oil/ Saw Palmetto and Phytosterols  Cost: $7.99 for a 16oz jar @ Sally's Beauty Supply •Leave In Conditioner  Key Ingredients: Coconut/ Amla/...

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