- 3:56 PM

I have to say I was becoming increasingly impressed by the benefits of using bananas on hair and resolved to do a banana hair mask on my next wash day. As I continued my research, I also discovered that bananas are excellent for preventing dandruff and alleviating irritable scalp.
In an article written by Lori Polluck, I discovered that bananas can be used to heal psoriasis on both the scalp and body. By using the mixture mentioned here, psoriasis can be cured in as little as five days with daily use. Bananas also help control dandruff, flaking and dry scalp. Click here f
Hair masks have been used for centuries to cure hair woes. The Taiwano Indians used heated extract of banana for regular softening scalp treatments. They are especially suitable for people with dry or dyed hair. Banana hair masks give hair shine, strength, calm irritated scalp, add volume, soften the hair shaft, and make hair more manageable.
As an added bonus bananas are great for digestion and acne. Feeling a little irregular? Try eating a banana. The vitamin c helps to settle upset stomach. Battling acne prone skin? Try rubbing a banana peal on the problem area. You will remove bacteria and should notice and reduction in redness. I hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as I enjoyed writing it. I felt so inspired that I decided to do my own banana hair mask. If your looking for an inexpensive conditioner treatment or for organic hair care recipes bananas are a good ingredient to start with. Until next time. I wish you all a peaceful and productive week. See ya in the next post!
But before you go, check out this cool recipe I spotted at EHow•Com. And if your intersted, visit my YouTube channel to see my expierence with a banana hair mask...here's the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzUEHfKghkM....Enjoy :)
{Image Source}
- 12:42 PM
N.O. reader Destiny writes....
KKQ, I LOVE your blog, and your hair is beautiful. Your hairstyles are so creative. Question--when you were relaxed, did you know how do to your hair? How much skill does your styling take? I LOVED the teeny tiny twists, and I don't think I have the skill to do them, at least not in the back. How much do you think stylists would charge for that kind of style? Anyway, I just wanted to say hello, and that your blog is my favorite right now, from the hair pix to the cute pix of NieceyPoo. I am a sucker for a cute picture of a kid...Keep up the good work!
KKQ: Hi Destiny! Since I was maybe 13 or 14 I've been doing my own hair. I did my own relaxers, perms and I used to color my hair. I've been jet black, reddish tones and bronzey brownish colors. After a failed sew-in by a professional, I taught myself how to do them by correcting her mistakes. Boy oh boy how I used to love my weave lol! I had a lot of fun with my hair back then and I always kept it "looking" good. But eventually all that pressing, weaving and dyeing broke my hair off really bad...and that's why I'm natural!
As far as skill goes, I really don't look at the way I do my hair as having a ton of skill. It's all quite simple actually. Like when I do my updos, for the most part I just gather up my hair pins and just start pinning until it starts to look like something. I like to experiement and challenge myself to learn new things. Practice really does make perfect. I take my time when I do my hair, because if I rush through it and it turns out a hot mess I'm gonna want to do it all over again.
I have no idea how much a stylists would charge for tiny twists, but I'm sure it wouldn't be cheap. If the average price for micro braids is around $150(+) then it's probably close to that number. I know my services wouldn't be cheap...lol!!
- 12:05 PM

- 4:35 PM
About Me...I am a 26 year old wife mother and of two darling little girls I've been natural for a year already it will be 2 yrs in October. I've learned so much about myself and my hair....I have loved this journey.
Where do you live? How is the natural hair community there?
I live in Atlanta! It's great some areas are better than others, but natural hair is accepted and embraced.
When and why did you decide to natural?
I decided to transition while pregnant with my first daughter, when I was 7 months, by wearing ponytails,wigs and braids. I bc'd while freshly prego with my second daughter because my hair was falling out BAD!! I woke up one morning with hair all over my pillow and In my bed, I looked like a Spotted Poodle! After I got over the shock I went straight to the bathroom. I got my hubbies clippers and went straight G.I Jane, I cut all of my hair off and I have never looked back.
Were your friends and family supportive? If not, how were you able to move forward?
My husband thought I was having some weird pregnant hormones and that I lost my mind. After getting over his shock he walked up to me and kissed my shaved head and said "Hi beautiful, I love that you aren't hiding under that hair." Plus he can't keep his hands out of my hair!! My other fam members loved it cause I have alot of natural women that support and love natural hair.
What is your current hair routine?
I am doing a lot of protective styles. I try to leave them in for two weeks, but no longer,I wash with Black Soap shampoo and Dr.Bronner's Peppermint Magic Castle Soap, after that I do DC treatments and hot oil treatments. I don't leave my hair out for longer periods of time I try to retain my length.
Do you have any hair goals?
I used to want long hair down my back. but now I don't care! I only want strong healthy hair and my dc treatments and protective styles are helping me do just that.
What's you favorite go to hair style? What steps do you take to achieve it?
Fro-Hawk. After doing a dc treatment with EVOO and Honey I wash with Dr.B's castle soap and I condish and detangle with Hello Hydration. After rinsing I add my Kimmaytube Leave-in and Coconut Oil and two strand twist my hair into chunky twists. I give a little extra moisture with my spray bottle of water and I wrap my hair with my bonnet and sleep. The next morning, I remove the twists with Coconut Oil to reduce frizz.. I use my Eco Styler Gel, water and 5 bobby pins on each side to slick the sides down. Sometimes I add my Popmpador for extra drama..I add my flower or other hair accesories and then I'm done.
Curly girls have more fun because..Curly girls embrace how God has made us by rocking our natural hair...You can't go wrong by loving what GOD made.. "Curly hair don't care..lol."
- 1:14 PM
Hey Guys! If you've been a member of Naturally Obsessed for a while then you already know that I love NaturallyCurly•Com! Its one of the best curly head destinations on the web and I love it, because it caters to all types of kinks and curls. I'm also very proud to be apart their group of vloggers...it's a fab group lol!! Well, they have decided to revamp their site to make find information easier for the readers. Here's a little snippet of the press release...
"NaturallyCurly•Com is now 12 years old and we wanted to let you know that she has been getting some “work done” over the past few months to provide more customized solutions. The reason for the site relaunch is to reorganize the information to make it easier for new and existing users to locate information. The main change in our site is the reorganization. Before (aka our current site) was organized by functions: Videos, Photos, Articles etc. The new NaturallyCurly•com will be organized by topic sections: Hair Types, Care Methods, Weddings & Prom etc.
Essentially, we are creating micro sites within our larger site. Therefore, if you want to see any and all information on Type 3c hair, you can just go to the type 3C section of our site and there you'll find videos, photos articles, bloggers etc. All center on and around the topic of 3C hair. We are very exicted for this change, it will allow us to expose our 12 years of content like never before. It will also allow our community to feel more at home in their "micro sites." The goal is to alow the niches within our niche of curly hair to feel more comfortable at home and catered to. We know that curly hair is not all encompassing so we want to make sure each sub hair category feels that we are catering to their specific needs.
We will provide customized solutions tailored to fit individual hair needs."
It Looks Awesome!!
In addition to the site relaunch NaturallyCurly•Com will hosting giveaways for the entire month of October! Each day they will be giving away prizes worth$250 or more. Plus everyday you enter, you will be eligible to win a grand prize worth thousands....THOUSANDS!!! Talk about dying and going to product junkie heaven lol!
The official relaunch date is today, but I still see the old layout when I visit. Hopefully they'll have it all sorted out some time today.
Are you a fan of NaturallyCurly•Com??
- 7:55 AM
Naturals are always on the hunt to find ways to grow and strengthen their hair....myself included. After my recent purchase at CamdenGrey•Com I began thinking of the many ways oils can be used to better our hair and which ones worked best for different hair issues. So I went web surfing and found a bunch of great oils to strengthen, grow and nourish hair. There are many oils out there, but these are a few that peaked my interest. Read on and make sure you click the sources for more information.
Oils For Growth
Burdock essential oil is good for the scalp and encourages hair growth. It is also good for the skin, scalp and hair cell renewal, and stimulates blood flow to the root of the hair. It helps with the problem of hair loss.{Source}
Lavender essential oil is used to treat a variety of conditions including alopecia (hair loss). It has been shown to promote the growth of hair and increase the rate of wound healing. In a study it was found that people suffering from alopecia who massaged their scalps with lavender and other essential oils daily for 7 months experienced significant hair re-growth. Thus lavender or a combination of lavender and other essential oils were responsible for the beneficial effects. {Source}
Rosemary encourages hair growth. These two herbs when used together externally prove extremely beneficial to anyone wanting to grow his hair. For best results, take a pan of water and boil rosemary, sage, peach leaf, nettle and burdock. Strain the loose herbs from the liquid and wash your hair with this liquid everyday. Clary sage when combined with jojoba and applied to the roots of your hair can cause your hair to grow. {Source}
Amla Oil enriches hair growth and pigmentation. It prevents premature graying of hair, dandruff and increases the strength of hair follicles, thus preventing hair-fall. Customarily a small amount of Amla is applied to the hair after washing. this not only brings forth a rich, natural shine and soft texture to the hair, it also helps rejuvenate hairs that are dull and damaged. {Source}
Oils For Strength & Nourishment
Coconut Oil has high moisture retaining capacity, since it is not broken down easily nor evaporated, being very stable. It does not let moisture escape thus keeping hair moistened and soft. This prevents breakage of hair. Coconut Oil is a far better conditioner for hair than any synthetic one available in the market. The various fatty acids present in Coconut Oil serve as very good anti dandruff agents and are way better than any anti dandruff shampoo. A regular application can help you get rid of dandruff for ever. {Source}
The germicidal, insecticidal and fungicidal properties of Ricin and Ricinoleic acid present in Castor Oil protect the scalp and hair from microbial and fungal infections, the two prime causes for hair loss. In addition, the fatty acids in it nourish hair and prevent the scalp from drying by retaining moisture.{Source}
Almond Oil is a rich source of Vitamin E and is beneficial in many ways. Almonds are packed with essential minerals like magnesium and calcium, and they contain Vitamin D and other nutritious components. Applying a few drops of this oil on a regular basis will nourich the hair and smooth hair cuticles. It's also said to add shine and control hair fall. {Source}
Organic Sapote Seed Oil aids in restoring health and improving manageability to over processed tresses, leaving your hair revitalized and soft. Sapote imparts sheen to every coil and ringlet. It instantly detangles your normal to dry curls, strengthening for root to tip - promoting healthy hair growth. According to research conducted at purdue university, the oil of Sapote seed is effective in stopping hair fall caused bySeborrheic Dermatitis. {Source}
Important Note via TarunaOils.com "There is an essential oil available for nearly every hair or scalp problem. But remember that the essential oils are too concentrated and shouldn't be used directly on the skin or hair. So it's best to use them in combination with carrier oils like almond, soybean and sesame, chosen in accordance with the effect you're looking for. Choose the appropriate essential oil and team it up with carrier oil and soon, you'll find you have long, lustrous hair."
What oils do you use to keep your natural hair healthy??
- 5:18 PM
Hello NaturallyObessed readers. I am so happy to have the opportunity to share with you all today. Just to give you a little background as to who I am, I am a blogger over at HoneyCee•Blogspot•Com, a vlogger as "TheHeartFeltHoney" on youtube, a sister, a friend, and an over all lover of life and all things natural. My passion has always been writing. I have a Bachelors Degree in English and Modern Language with a concentration in African-American Literature and I plan to use my knowledge base to bring you all the best possible information I can on food and how it relates to hair. Thank you for having me :)
This week's hair food pick is Tomatoes! Now I know I'm not the only person who has noticed the cosmetic industries recent infatuation with tomatoes. They are showing up as an ingredient in everything! We see tomato in our facial toners, eye creams, conditioners, soaps and the list goes on. Just the talk about Yes to Tomatoes alone is enough to make you take a second look in your own refrigerator. I decided to do a little research on this super food and find out exactly what all the fuss is about...
I was surprised to learn that tomatoes could be so beneficial to hair health. According to an article by Sandra Piddock, eating or ingesting tomatoes can be good for hair growth as they are a good source of biotin and vitamin A. Biotin is necessary for cell growth, the production of fatty acids, and the metabolism of fats and amino acids. The body naturally produces biotin . Vitamin A is required for development and maintenance of the epithelial cells, in the mucus membranes, and your skin, which is important for the growth of scalp hair.
Tomatoes are also good to use topically in hair after swimming in pool water to prevent hair staining and odor. They also help to balance the pH levels in our hair. However, tomatoes should not be applied directly to healthy hair regularly as they are highly acidic. Click here for more on tomatoes and their acidity.
- 3:59 PM
Congratulations to entry #8 Jadison03 you are the lucky winner of Afro Girl earrings from ShopBoutiqueUnique!!!!! Your response to "What Inspires You?" was randomly selected using Random.Org. Check out Jadison03's winning response below...
"My children inspire me. They are the future. I see the future through their eyes. They keep me grounded and relevant. They also keep me humble and pure!"
Awww, that is so sweet! Al the entries were special and really gave me a chance to get to you all a little more. Jadison03 you will need to contact me right away to give me your mailing info and secure your prize. Thank you to everyone who participated and don't be sad if you didn't win, there will be more giveaways soon :-)
- 5:08 PM
Want to win some cool natural hair inspired earrings from ShopBoutiqueUnique?!? Well now is your chance! I was contacted by Brianna McCarthy, entrepreneur and musician, a few weeks ago to host a giveaway. At the time her site was down and we decided to postpone it. It's back up and running now so the giveaway is back on! And it couldn't come at a better time. You guys have been awesome readers and what better way to show my appreciation than with a giveaway. All you have to do is answer this simple question....
What Inspires You?
Your response can be about whatever you like...God, Family, Spouse, Children, Music, Cartoons(lol!)...whatever you like! The only rules are...You must be a subscriber of this blog (subscription options in the sidebar), you must leave your answer in the comment section below this post and if your not an Onsugar subscriber please leave your email address with your response.
The contest starts today and will end Sunday Sept. 19th at 6pm EST. the winner will be randomly chosen and announced Monday morning/afternoon. If your chosen as the winner you must respond within 48hrs, if not another winner will be chosen immediately! On to the prize...
One lucky winner will receive a pair of super cure 3" hand-painted Afro Girl earrings from ShopBoutiqueUnique.Com!! Cool...right?!? So what are you waiting for, get your answers in and who know you just might inspire someone else!
After your done with your entry check out these cool links from Brianna...Enjoy and good luck :-)
Blog: www.BreeUNIQUE.com
Twitter: @BreeUnique
Shop: www.ShopBoutiqueUnique.com
YouTube: NLuvWGod
- 6:22 PM
After getting awesome results from using Kindra's Rhassoul Clay Bar, I was eager to try a mix of my own. I also wanted to see if my affair with Rhassoul was just a first time fluke. Could I get great with my own mix...Yes I can and did! My hair felt great and even shinier than the last time. I'm not sure if I mentioned this in the last post, but Rhassoul (compared to Cassia) is very easy to rinse out of the hair, which is great for those in a time crunch. I think I'm love! I have enough clay to do 2 more treatments and I'll keep you guys updated if I repurchase.
My Rhassoul Clay Recipe....
1 cup of Rhassoul Clay Powder
3/4 cups of hot water (add water slowly)
1 tsp of melted Brazil Nut Butter
2 tbs of Bee Mine Deep Conditioner
1 tbs of Coconut Oil
A YouTube commenter asks...
How does Rhassoul Clay compare to Bentonite Clay, which is better?
I have yet to try Bentonite Clay on my hair. I've used it several times on my face as a detox and loved it, but not the hair yet. There are tons of reviews out praising Bentonite Clay for giving them frizzz free, clean and defined hair. Sounds very promising and a lot like my results from Rhassoul Clay! If and when I try it, I will record a vid and take pics to give a thorough comparison.
New video of how I styled my hair after the braids dried...enjoy!
- 6:15 PM
About Me....My name is Kanisha! I'm a writer & college student: an English major. I aspire to be a successful author and entrepreneur!
When and why did you decide to natural? Who or what inspired you?
I decided to go natural in the winter of 2009 because I had started discussing natral hair with my cousin, who has been natural for a year. I have always loved natural hair but for some reason, I did not believe natural hair was attainable for me. I thought everyone got relaxers! When my eyes were opened up to this whole new natural world that I'd never encountered before, I decided to start transitioning! My last relaxer was December 2, 2009, and I did the big chop on June 5, 2010. I felt comfortable and proud of the girl who I saw staring back at me in the mirror.
Were your friends and family supportive? If not, how were you able to move forward?
My family was supportive; my mom & sisters kept telling me how much they loved my hair. Some of my friends and people at church were NOT, however. I got some pretty mean comments thrown my way, and it made me second guess myself. I said to myself, "Maybe I shouldn't have gone natural. Or maybe I should've waited sooner to do the big chop..." I allowed what people said cause me to forget how in love I was with my hair! I had to mentally slap myself and say get it together Kanisha! You did this for you!
Describe your current routine.
I wash my hair on Saturdays with Giovanni Smooth as Silk Shampoo. Then I also condition with Giovanni. I then deep condition with either Hollywood Beauty Cholesterol or some concoction I've created, usually with mayonnaise, oil, and Organix Conditioner. Then I style my hair in a twistout using Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Conditioner and Pure Shea Butter. I preserve the style by retwisting at night with the Cantu Leave in. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I cowash, and go back to my precious twistout! It's my go to style right now.
Do you have any hair goals? What steps are you taking to achieve them?
I want to continue to grow my hair, as long as it wants to get. I'm trying not to make a big deal about length right now but remembering to love my hair at every length it gets to. I'm more comfortable & in love with my TWA right now than I've EVER been! It's great! Also, I want to keep away from the heat and drink lots of water!
How has your perception of beauty changed since going natural?
I feel much more open to so many different looks and ideas now. I always say you shouldn't reject something just because you don't agree with it. Many people immediately cast natural hair down as "ugly" just because they would never go natural and I don't think that's right. I've learned to embrace myself and others for who they are, because it's not all about hair. There's more to you than what grows out of your head. And it sucks that some people will never know the real me because they can't get past the fro they see on the OUTSIDE. I have so much more to offer the world than my hair. Your hair isn't WHO you are- it's just one part of you!
What advice would you give to a new natural struggling with her new look?
Don't be afraid to try something new! I didn't know what to do with my hair the first week, so I just rocked wash n gos and they didn't turn out too nice! Then I started experimenting and I've perfected my twistout now. You have to spend time with your hair, get to know it better like a new friend lol :) Get on YouTube and look at as many videos as you need to! There are lots of ladies out there who are willing to help.
Great diary sis, thanks for sharing. Lots of good advice for the newbies and vets :-)
- 5:53 PM
After my lovely experience with the Rhassoul deep conditioning bar, I decided to purchased some more clay to see what fab mixes I could come up with on my own. I'm sooo not a "mixtress" though lol! CamdenGrey.com was recommended to me by Fleurtzy, she purchases her rhassoul from the online shop as well. I almost made it to the checkout safely, but of course my "PJ" kicked in and I started adding things to my cart that I never even heard of before, like Brazil Nut Butter and Acai Butter. The descriptions seem like they'll be yummy for my skin...I hope so lol! I also purchased some Grapeseed Oil and Hazelnut Oil in hopes of trying out TheMopTopMaven's oil cleansing method technique.(Her method also calls for Castor Oil and i already have that in the stash) We both have oily and acne prone skin types, this technique seems to have done wonders for her skin. Hopefully I'll get good results too, check back for a skin update in 2 weeks!
All together and with shipping my total came to $35.28...not bad right! Below you guys will see brief description of each of the items purchased and if you are interested in the prices just click on the highlighted names.
1/4 lb of BRAZIL NUT BUTTER: Brazil Nut Butter (Berthorlletia excelsa) is rich in fatty acids such as oleic and linoleic with small amounts of myristic and stearic acids along with phytosterol. It is also naturally rich in vitamins A, B, C and E. This nutrient-rich oil is combined with a proprietary exotic butter base to produce Brazil Nut Butter. This butter delivers the benefits of Brazil nut oil in a form that will add a luxurious skin feel, body and emollience to any anhydrous or emulsion system. May be used in cosmetics, toiletries, bar soaps, massage oils, hair care and sun care applications.
4 oz of ACAI BUTTER: The Acai berry contains 20 times the amount of the anti-oxidants found in red wine and is a unique source of anthocyanin (powerful antioxidant). The Acai berry contains a high level of calcium and potassium, essential fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9), vitamins B1, B2, B3 and C and polyphenols (antioxidants). Our Acai body butter is soft, easy to spread and is made with wildcrafted Acai berries. This lovely butter may be used on the skin as is or as an additive in making products such as lip balms, body butters, creams/lotions, lotion bars, etc.
1 lb of RHASSOUL CLAY: Rhassoul or Ghassoul is a mineral rich, beige clay powder that blends extremely well with water and is considered a �swelling clay� because of its great capacity to absorb liquids quickly. Its color may range from beige to yellowish/beige. This volcanic clay contains a high percentage of magnesium plus silica, potassium, calcium, iron, copper, zinc and lithium. For greasy hair or hair which lacks volume and thickness, you can make a simple hair mask by adding warm water to Rhassoul and applying it throughout your hair, rinse after 15 or 20 minutes, until the water runs clear. This mask will also give the hair shine.
8 oz of HAZELNUT OIL: Hazelnut oil Hazelnut Oil Corylus avellana Hazelnuts yield a pale amber oil with a pleasant aroma. Its composition is similar to almond oil for which it's often substituted. This is the only fixed nut oil with an astringent quality, making it beneficial for use on oily skin. It absorbs quickly and is useful as a base for oily or acne-prone skins. It may be useful against thread veins and has been used internally in cases of urinary stones, kidney colic and tapeworms.
1 lb of GRAPESEED OIL: Grapeseed Oil ( Vitis vinifera ) is an ecologically sound product that is made from the seeds of grapes after the wine is pressed. Grapeseed oil is high in vitamin E and contains essential fatty acid and linoleic acid (also known as Omega 6). It is low in saturated fat, contains natural chlorophyll and valuable antioxidants (known as proanthocyninidins) and has a good shelf life. This oil is very rich in vitamins and minerals. It's a light and penetrating oil for massage and is also used to create lotions, balms, creams and soap. The skin absorbs grapeseed oil easily; it has no perceptible odor. Since it is slightly astringent, it tightens and tones the skin; will not aggravate acne.
- 4:21 PM
ATTN Readers - Hey guys! Lately I've been getting bombarded with tons of mail. Not just on the blog, but on YouTube as well and it's getting hard to keep up. I'm only one person and I need your help with answering some of the Obsessed Mail that comes through. I'll be posting 1 or 2 letters a week and all I ask is that you share your insight with your fellow readers. A lot of you have great info to share and I look forward to reading your responses. If you have a question and would like to have it answer feel free to send a private message or email me at NaturallyObsessed@yahoo.com. View this week's Obsessed Mail below....
Good Morning, I've been reading your blog for quite some time. I just BC'd at the end of June. My friend comb twisted little sections of my hair and when I took them down it gave me the most beautiful curls! My question is, since I have tybe 4 hair, very tightly coiled is there a way to "train" my hair to grow into manageable curls? I only have about two inches of hair all over and I can't see myself comb twisting sections for 1-2 once a week. if this is what it takes all do it...i've also tried braid outs on my daughters hair who also has the same hair type as me but they end up "poofing" by the middle of the day...any suggestions? what can i use to keep her hair in the freshly twist out state? Does that take training her hair, twisting it 1-2 times a week? Also, I'm in desperate need of a moisturizer...we're in Austin Texas where the seasons are hot, and hot and dry, and hotter! Please help!!! Thank you for all that you do...you truly inspire me with your creativity. Kynthia
Your Thoughts?!?
- 7:29 PM
About Me.... Wah Gwan!! My name is Felicia, but know me as Cia. I am an aspiring dancer and college student as a double major in Human Developmental Family Studies along with Psychology. I live in the eastern part of the US in a bland state...but hey that's life. Oh, did I mention that I love to dance (hehe)?!?
When and why did you decide to natural?
I decided to go natural shortly after New Years. I did this after an article I wrote for my school's paper. I took a step into "naturalhood" after realizing that I needed to learn to accept me for everything God destined me to be in my natural form on June 7, 2010. I was so consumed by what society deemed to be beautiful hair or what they saw as a beautiful woman. I was also inspired by my friend Chanel, who has been natural since birth...Go Her!!
Were your friends and family supportive? If not, how were you able to move forward?
*sighs* The day I walked into my parents room, after I had bc'ed(myself) they yelled at me and basically called me stupid. From there my confidence was shot! My mom automatically started calling me "Freddy" (I guess that's the first boy name that popped in her head). My support system at home was more like an unsupported system. Shortly after I got micro braids put in, because I could not stand looking at myself in the mirror with short hair. Two months later I took the braids out and rocked my TWA with confidence and style. Most of my friends loved it, others are still unsure about how they feel about it.
What is your current hair routine?
I co-wash with Herbal Essence Hello Hydration or Cantu Shea Conditioner, everyday or every other day. I then spritz my hair with my mix of glycerin, evoo and grape seed oil...that's it! KISS "keep it short and simple" is the best method for me. I also wash and deep condition every week as well.
Do you have any hair goals? What steps are you taking to achieve them?
My hair goal is to maintain HEALTHY hair, that's it. It would be nice to have APL by June, but if not I won't die or anything lol! i am just making sure to keep up with massaging my roots and drinking plenty of water. I may purchase Castor Oil as well, I hear it promotes hair growth. Also I exercise daily and take vitamins to ensure a healthy body and a healthier me!
How has your perception of beauty changed since going natural?
YES!!!!! A Lot A Lot A Lot! Before I used to fool myself and say beauty comes from within, while still trying to look my best with long hair. But now I know for sure it does. Just because I'm natural, it doesn't make me any less beautiful and it's still the same Cia that reps Cookie Monster as her husband to the fullest!!!! lol!
What advice would you give to a new natural who may be struggling with her new look?
Remember who you are and where you have come. When you look back at how you have overcome your all struggles...smile! Because it's only by God's grace that you've come this far. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
- 7:28 PM
Bored this morning, I decided to finaly upload this video. It was recorded earlier this year, it gives you a quick look at my curl reversion after wearing it straight(flat ironed). To cleanse my hair I use Abba Purl Curl Shampoo and Emu Oil Conditioner by Healthy hair Plus to condition. In the bonus clips, to flat iron my hair a MaxiGlide and Beyond The Zone's Turn Up The Heat Thermal Protectant. Enjoy!
- 4:17 PM
So most of you have read my Rhassoul bar review yesterday...right? Well Kindra must have been getting so good feedback and is now giving away a Rhassoul bar to one lucky lady!! Here's a snippet of her post...
"Earlier in the year, I was in the process of creating some test batches of a deep conditioner/treatment bar for the hair. I had a few volunteers and KinkyKurlyQueen of Naturally Obsessed was one of those ladies to volunteer. Check out her review of my conditioning bar here. I'm flattered that she called it "magical" and even more flattered that she was kind enough to review it so positively. :) And now you all have the opportunity to indulge as well!"
Click on the image above to visit her blog, Natural Urbanista, and get all the details on how to enter and win! Good luck ladies :-)
To read my review please click this link! http://naturallyobsessed.onsugar.com/My-Hair-Magical-Rhassoul-Clay-Deep-Conditioning-Bar-10839387
- 4:05 PM
Back in Feburary, Kindra(SanguineRose81) was testing batches of a conditioning bar she was trying to perfect. On twitter, she asked and if anyone would like to test it out and give feedback, I quickly responded with a "Heck Yes! Send it on!" I didn't use those words exactly, but you get the point lol! She sent the bar not too long after with info and directions. It smelled and looked like a big hunk of chocolate and I couldn't wait to try it. However, the recommended recipe called for Coconut Cream and I had none. I placed it in the fridge wrapped in plastic and a ziplock bag and planned on ordering some. Well I never got around to doing that and completely forgot about it. That is until last week....While fumbling around for NiecyPoo's fruit cups, there was that big hunk of chocolate. I quickly tweeted Kindra a pic and asked "hey! remember this...can I still use this"? She laughed and assured me that it was still good to use and gave me a few suggestions on what to use instead of Coconut Cream.
So last Friday, with nothing to do and nowhere to go, I gave my hair some much needed tlc! I bagan my day with a gentle cleansing using Bee Mine's Ayurvedic Herbal Bar, rinsed and applied Giovanni Smooth as Silk Conditioner. Then I sat under the Huetiful Hair Steamer for 20 minutes and detangled quickly afterwards. Rinsed and began to prepare the conditioning bar for use. Kindra let me know that could add whatever liquid I preferred to the bar, even plain water...and that's what I went with. I cut the bar up into smaller pieces to make melting it easier. Then in a plastic bowl I believe I added a 1/2 cup of hot water and it started to melt. To speed the process up, I placed the plastic bowl on top of another bowl with boiling hot water inside and not long after a paste was formed.
The conditiong bar on is made up of Rhassoul Clay, Marshmallow Root, Cocoa Butter, Tucuma Butter, Sweet Almond Oil and Honey. On it's own I'm sure it packs a mean punch, but I knew it wasn't going to be enough to cover my entire head. So I added 3 tablespoons of Bee Mine's Organic Deep Conditioner In Cocont Cream. It's not my fav ,but I needed a filler. It thickened the paste up nicely and made it even more creamy. And for no reason I added 2 splashes of Coconut Oil. I thenpaced the mixture in the fridge to cool off for about 10 minutes.
While my hair was damp I divided it into 4 sections and began appying the mixture in very small sections. Making sure that my hair was covered completely, air dried for an hour and then covered with a plastic bag. While on my hair, I decided to go web surfing to find more info on Rhassoul Clay. According to CamdenGrey.com....
"Rhassoul or Ghassoul is a mineral rich, beige clay powder that blends extremely well with water and is considered a swelling clay, because of its great capacity to absorb liquids quickly. Its color may range from beige to yellowish/beige. This volcanic clay contains a high percentage of magnesium plus silica, potassium, calcium, iron, copper, zinc and lithium."
It's also said to be great for greasy hair that lacks volume and thickness and it promotes shine. Here's my kinks after applying the clay mixture...
I ended up leaving the clay in for about 4 hours while I cleaned, cooked and fooled around on the internet. It smelled sooo yummy, like chocolate and coconut, I didn't want to rinse it out. But it had to go...So I hopped in the shower and began rinsing with warm water. Smooth, soft and curls popping all over! My hair doesn't even feel this good after a Cassia treatment....and my hair loves Cassia! After to rinsing with just water most of it was out but ther was still residue on my scalp, so a did a quick cleanse with the Bee Mine Herbal Bar. Pics before using the cleanser...
All rinse out and loving it!!!!
My hair felt soooo good!! Lots of shine and curl and hardly any frizz....I'm hooked!! And it felt a little stretched as well. After much picture taking I braided my hair into small/medium sized braids using Ori Organics Moisture balancing Buttercream and Leave In Sealant on the ends. Shortly after that my PJ kicked in and I went back on CamdenGrey.com and ordered a pound of Rhassoul Clay and more! Here's the braid out shots.....
FAB!!! Thanks Kindra :) Ladies get into this!!! I aksed if she would be selling these "magic" bars and she says planning on selling in the near future. i'll keep you guys posted if I hear anything. I haven't washed my hair yet so I can't tell how long the affects will last, but I'll let you guys know the next time I wash.
Also please check out Fluertzy's Rhassoul Clay review.
- 7:44 PM
I wanted to know what product you used to get that this color in the link: http://naturallyobsessed.onsugar.com/search/cassia
like with the red/auburn at the ends of your hair...
Please & Thank You!
KKQ: Definitely one of the most asked questions....Before and during my transition colored my hair with Feria by L'Oreal in Bronze Shimmer(click the image). I loved this color on me! It complimented my skin nicely and it was perfect for the summer months. For most of my transition I wore my hair in micro braids and would color my hair to match the extensions. I was getting my hair rebraided every 2-3 months and every time I would freshen up the color. It was a lot of wear and tear on my hair, but I didn't know ant better. As long as the outcome was cute, that's all that mattered. Many lessons learned lol!
Don't judge me for the baby hair slicked down and swooped....lol!
- 2:20 PM
Love Love Love Ori!!!
I was contacted a few months ago by Bolanle of Ori Organics test and review their collection of hair care products. Of course I said sure, send it on my way, I'm always down to try new things and support a new business. She sent me almost the entire collection and a big bag of Wether's Original Hard Candies lol!! I've been using them for a couple weeks now and my hair is loving them! I was going to do a full review with the product description, ingredients list and all, but my computer is pmsing right now so I'll keep it simple and to the point. (For more info about each product mentioned please click the highlighted product's name.) Here's a summary of my expierence with Ori Organics...
While my hair was good and dirty I decided to try the Hydrating Curl Cleanser first. The label claims that it is designed specifically to leave the hair clean, moisturized and never stripped...and I agree...kinda! I rinsed my hair really good and divided it into 2 sections and began massaging the cleanser in one section at a time. Concentrating on the scalp and working my way to the ends. The scent is supposed to be honey and ginger, but to me it's less honey mostly ginger. Definetly not the usual sweet and fresh shampoo smell. It's hard to explain the scent in words lol! The consistency is thin and the lather is not that great, but this cleanser moisturized the heck out of my hair! It felt awesome! Shine, minimal frizz and popping curls...the funky smell was no longer an issue. I recommend highly recommend this cleanser, but if you use a lot of heavy, hard to rinse out products on your hair this may not be for you, since it's a very mild and gentle cleanser.
After that I applied the Curl Restorative Masque in small sections and left on my hair overnight for deeper penetration. Smells fantastic, like peaches and cream..yum! The texure is thick and looks a little lumpy, but it goes on very smooth. Some of the key ingredients include honey, flax seed oil, olive oil, silk and oats so you already know it gave great slip. In the morning I detangled and rinsed, which was a breeze. The combination of the cleanser and the masque had my hair feeling so moisturized and soft. And the masque even left a peachy scent to my hair! Although I loved this masque it's not better than Curl Harmony's Intensive Deep Conditioner...in my opinion. But it did do what it said it would, so it's still worth a try!
Once out of the shower I separated my hair into 4 sections and applied the Curl Replenishing Hair Milk to each. It carries the same peachy scent as the masque and is also thick, yet lightweight and creamy. Although the label doesn't say, it has a lot of slip and could be used as a detangler as well. Good Stuff!! On top of that I smoothed on the Curl Styling Buttercream....key word smoothed! Compared to the masque and moisture balancing buttercream, this one is the smoothest. And very thick. I learned the hard way that a liitle goes a long way. i applied it a bit too generously and it left my hair a tad bit greasy but that was my fault. Next time I'll pay attention when a product says to apply sparingly...lol! I set my hair in medium 2 strand twists and added the Leave-In Cream Sealant to my ends. This product LOVE! Some of it's ingredients include water, inrefined organic avocado oil, meadowfoam seed oil and mango butter. My ends felt great! The consistency is super thick and should be sold in a jar instead of a bottle, because it's a lttle tough to get out. Once out it performs very well. This will definetly come in handy when the cold weather hits. I let my twist air dry and here's the results...
Loved it! Even though my hair was a little greasy from using to much of the buttercream, it was still soft and defined. I rocked this twist out for 3-4 days!
After a few days I was ready to try the next few products I had from Ori. I washed my hair using Bee Mine's Herbal Poo bar to get my hair really clean and take away the greasiness of the Curl Styling Buttercream. Then I applied the Curl Nourishing Daily Deep Conditioner in 2 sections and let sit for 10 minutes. This also has the peachy scent, but with a hint of vanilla. It's creamy and provides a nice slip to detangle easily. But it was more like a regular conditioner than a deep conditioner. If I had left it on longer and maybe sat under a steamer or hair dryer, it would have been more effective. It was cool, but not all that special in my opinion.
All rinsed out and divided in four sections, I applied the Moisture Balancing Buttercream. This one has a thick whipped texture, but goes on just as smooth as the other buttercream. It's not as heavy either. this one is marketed towards finer textures, but it worked great in my hair. I actually prefer this one over the Curl Styling Buttercream. I set my hair in twists again with the leave-in sealant on the ends, and let it air dry overnight. My twistout felt lighter and had more movement than the previous one. It was a lot less greasy too. Twistout pics below...
My hair had a great expierence with Ori Organics hair care! The products that stood out the most were the Hydrating Curl Cleanser, Leave-In Cream Sealant, Curl Styling Buttercream and Moisture Balancing Buttercream. I know for sure I'll be purchasing the Cleanser and Sealant, those 2 are my favs. If you've been thinking about buying Ori Organics for your hair I hope this review was helpful for you.
Sidebar: This review was supposed to be short and simple lol :-)
- 11:00 AM
About Me...I am an artist/college freshman who has a keen interest in music, culture, vintage fashion, and art. Due to my newly discovered interest in skateboarding culture and graffiti art, I feel that it would awesome to one day be an illustrator for comic books, a skateboard deck company, video game design or finish launching the jewelry/purse/ graphic t-shirt line that my sister and I have begun working on.
Where do you live? How is the natural hair community there?
I live in Woodland Hills, and there is nearly next to NO natural hair girls in my city. Unfortunately it is like a taboo in my area. lol :)
When and why did you decide to go natural?
I went natural due to a lot of reasons. Some of the reasons are:
1. I looked like every black girl and white girl in my high school at the time
2. I have ALWAYS thought natural hair looked so beautiful but I didn't know how to get natural hair
3. It didn't fit my personality.
4. My hair was NOT growing nor was it getting thicker.
5. My sister discovered a lot of natural hair blogs such as yours to influence me to be beautiful and proud of my kinky roots.
6. On black history month I remember this speech that the student body president said about Madame C.J. Walker and how she invented the straightening comb to help "black women feel good about themselves", including the history that my sister researched about how during slavery the beautiful afro locks of the African slaves were destroyed due to the hot lye that their slave masters dipped their head in to get rid of their "bad coily hair."
Were your friends and family supportive? If not, how were you able to move forward?
My old friend whose still in high school was trying to convince me to wear an afro or dreadlocks since FOREVER, but none of my family members were supportive except for my big sister who supported my decision and bought products for me as I was transitioning from my extensions. She was the only person that kept my self esteem high as I transitioned.
What is your current hair routine?
On Sunday evening I apply henna, mixed with shikaki, neem, alma, and brahmi powder to my hair and leave it in for the rest of the night. In the morning I wash it out. After that I condition my hair with Herbal Essence Hello Hydration, and Herbal Essence None of Your Frizzness. I wash that out. I then put my hair in a protective style such as two-strand twist while using this product called curls milkshake. After twisting I seal my ends with Shea Butter, and wait for it to dry so I can rock my spirals outside!!! :)
Do you have any hair goals?
My hair goal is to have healthy, shiny, long hair. The steps I am taking to achieve it is by using several natural hair growing powders and putting my hair in protective styles when I am at home because I have read that if you put your hair in protective styles for a couple of days your hair grows faster.
What is your favorite natural hair style?
I have several styles that I enjoy doing, but my most favorite is the Ethiopian hair style. To achieve it I usually have my mom cornrow the pattern up to my ear and then she stops so that my curls and show.
Curly girls have more fun because...our hair is always THEE BIZNESS!!!!
Gorgeous ♥ To see more of Sharlene please check out her blog http://www.CoilyMystic.blogspot.com
- 12:01 PM
This video was recorded months ago and I had trouble uploading it to NaturallyCurly's YouTube channel. It was recently added and I thought I'd share with you guys...enjoy!
Product Description: The highly concentrated moisture formula provides smoothness and restructuring. Ultra light care layers with Vitamin E protect hair from external damage for silky shine and managability.
Ingredients: Water, Dimethicone, Cyclopentasiloxane, Dimethiconol, Phenyl Trimethicone, Polyquaternium 37, Wheat Bran Lipids, Hydrolyzed Silk, Panthenol, Jojoba Oil, Tocopheryl Acetate, Hydroxypropyl Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Amodimethicone, Cetrimonium Chloride, Alcohol Denatured, Trideceth 12, Phenoxyethanol, Butylparaben, Ethylparaben, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Fragrance (Parfum)
Cost: 4.2oz pump bottle $18.00 @ Drugstore.Com.
My Thoughts: (Video Below)
Note...To flat iron my hair I used Beyond The Zone's Turn Up The Heat Thermal Protectant.
- 4:02 PM

- 3:25 PM
Actress Emma Stone (Zombieland) and her funky faux giant afro were snapped for the August 2010 issue of GQ Magazine, with funny man Tracey Morgan gracing the cover. I don't know much about Emma, but these pics are too cute and silly to not share!
- 2:55 PM