
Video: How I Deep Condition

The title is pretty self explanatory. This is just a simple demo of how I do my weekly deep conditioning. Giovanni's Nutrafix is used in this video for review purposes only, it is not my staple DC. On a normal day I would use Bee Mines Deep Conditioner or Aubrey Organics GPB Balancing Conditioner. With a little coconut oil those conditioners are magical...

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In Review: Giovanni NutraFix Hair Reconstructor

Product Description: Giovanni Nutrafix Hair Reconstructor Conditioner with Eco Chic Technology. the damage is done...or is it? If you over-process your hair, you need deep repair. this penetrating hair reconstructor goes right to the heart of the problem, addressing the damage caused by chemicals and excessive heat styling, both of which can leave hair porous, raspy, weak. dull. Nutrafix fixes these problems by...

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Obsessive Links: The Ultimate Curly Hair Tutorial!

I stumble upon this gorgeous curly head via Instagram and fell in love with her curls and humerous take on photo sharing. I then found her YT link in her bio and immediately subscribed. Homegirl is beyond silly and I love that! Maya has type 3 curls and while I probably won't be following her hair styling methods, the content is so entertaining and well...

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I Miss You. Where Are You. Come Back!

My inbox has been filled with messages like that for the past couple of months. I admit, I did leave you guys kind of stranded with no real reason why and for that I apologize :( It was never my intention to take a break it just happened...I stopped typing, stopped caring for "hair talk" and videos. At one point I just stopped...

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