Hair Diary: LeeTice B.
7:14 PM
When and why did you decide to go natural?
I began transitioning in August 09. I transitioned for 9 months & BC'd on Sat 5/28/10. I decided to go natural b/c I wanted my thick hair back. The hair I remembered and saw in my childhood pics. My hair had thinned over the years from the constant & more frequent relaxers and was at a growth stand still. My ponytails that used to be long & thick had become ratty looking. And I knew the only way to get it back was to start from "scratch". Also, I was SO over being the 58th girl in the room w/a long flat wrap. (I'd worn that style since high school *BORING*) I was TOTALLY up for a change. I'd NEVER gotten my hair cut before so I was nervous, but excited.
Were your friends and family supportive of your decision? If not, how were you able to move forward?
I asked my man how he felt about cutting my relaxed ends off. I wanted him to be OK with it too because NO ONE wants their man looking at them like WTH and not being attracted to them. He asked me how short would it be & I told him about 4-5 inches. He said well that's cool Baby because I understand it's a process so I can deal w/that. He was and has been SOOOO supportive from day one of my deciding to go natural. My BC length turned out to be 3-4inches but we BOTH loved it! He called me Angela Davis when he 1st saw me. One day my stylist was doing my hair and I happened to look in the mirror. My hair was so curly/wavy from the root until you got to the permed/straight part. I said aloud "Whose curly hair is that?" I was SHOCKED to see that my hair was just like my Dad's. I got my 1st perm in 4th or 5th grade and before then as a younger child my Mom kept my hair in braids. So I had NEVER seen my natural God given texture. I must say, I have NEVER been happier about a decision I've made about my hair EVER. It's the best thing I could have done. My hair has grown so much in these 2 months since my BC, and it's so thick, it's crazy! I absolutely LOVE my hair so I know I made the right decision for me. I feel SO confident now & I LOVE looking different, but in a great way.
What is your current hair routine?
Well I've tried several styles. Wash & Go, Puffs & Twists/Twist Outs. Designed braids with twists on the ends & my list goes on. That's the thing about natural hair, it's extremely versatile! I enjoy going to work looking different every week or couple of days.
What are your hair goals? What steps are you taking to achieve them?
Well I am so looking forward to rockin a HUGE bush! I can't wait to do my 1st blow out, which I plan to do for the first time for my birthday this December. I know the growth will blow me away. I am sleeping with a bonnet nightly, moisturizing, conditioning & deep conditioning regularly and trying to do low maintenance styles to achieve my hair goals.
What new hair styles/techniques have you learned this year?
I've tried Nikki Mae's Fro-Hawk & it came out really good. I followed her tutorial to the T. I am ALWAYS on you tube watching tutorials trying new styles. Mahogany Curls, SheaCocoaLuv, Black Onyx, Pretty Dimples & Nikki Mae are some of my favs!
How do you define "Good" hair?
Good hair is what God has blessed us with. No matter what your hair texture, God created us ALL w/HIS vision in mind. We are a BEAUTIFUL people, SOOOO FLYYYY, SOOOO UNIQUE, SOOOO HOTTT! :)Curly girls have more fun because...we have embraced our hair & we look SO good doing it. I SMILE EVERY time I see a fellow natural! Since going natural I realize how blessed I am to be in MY skin & have my OWN look. And that it is TOTALLY OK to rock your natural hair!
What advice would you give to a new natural?
Don't be afraid to go natural. Whether it's a BC'er or a transitioner. It's a decision that I hope you'll love just as much as I do. It is a journey that requires so much patience. But it's SO worth it. *Thanks KKQ & all the other natural bloggers that take your time to give your styling tips, advice & techniques to natural newbies like myself as well as seasoned naturals. We TOTALLY appreciate you, this Sisterhood makes me feel SO good!!
Thanks for sharing and you are very welcome LeeTice! I love being apart of the natural hair community too, we support the heck out of each other :-) -KKQ
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