Hair Diary

Click the link below for all posts related to Hair Dairy, TWA Diary and Obsessive Curl topics.

Share Your Hair Story!!
If you are interested in being featured on Naturally Obsessed please read the information below....
For Hair Diary Entries: Answer the following questions and send your answers along with 3-4 (Clear) pictures of your hair to

Tell us about yourself.
Where do you live? How is the natural hair community there?
When and why did you decide to go natural?
Were your friends and family supportive? If not, how were you able to move forward?
What is your current hair routine?
Do you have any hair goals? What steps are you taking to achieve them?
What is your fav go-to style for your natural hair? Tell us how you achieve it?
Finish this statement: Curly girls have more fun because...

For TWA Hair Entries: Answer the following questions and send the answere along with 3-4 (Clear) pictures of your hair to

Tell us about yourself.
When and why did you decide to go natural? Who or what inspired you?
Were your friends and family supportive? If not, how were you able to move forward?
What is your current hair routine?
Do you have any hair goals? What steps are you taking to achieve them?
How has your perception of beauty changed since going natural?
What advice would you give to a new natural who may be struggling with her new look?

Please be open with your responses and give one likes a boring Hair Diary. No camera phone pictures. And remember, you never know who may read your hair diary, your words have the power to inspire!

**Share your obsessions?!? Send in your list of 10 obsessions along with 1 or 2 CLEAR (non-camera phone) pictures to along with your name, age and location(optional). Also, your obsessions can be about list is just an example and please include any links (your twitter, facebook, blog etc) with your submission. Thx!

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