
Monday, July 4, 2011

Hair Diary: Meet Helena!!

About me... Hi, my name is Helena! I'm a bi-racial girl, half Cameroonian and half Danish. One of my loves is natural hair, I enjoy caring for it and spending time on natural hair blogs and such. I also loves dancing and is both dancing hip hop, zumba, house and salsa. And music, but who don't like music lol. But I also like reading, traveling, culture and blogging (I have blog called about exercise and health and much more.

Where do you live? How is the natural hair community there?
I live in Denmark. The natural hair scene here is not big. I have only seen a few ladies here rocking their natural hair and there is not many products here, so when I buy I often do it online from British Curlies. But there is a few naturals and I have discovered a hair salon there specializes in natural hair care so that's good!

When and why did you decide to go natural?
All my life I have been natural(or nearly), but I didn't know how to care properly for it. My hair was cut short a couple times because it was really breaking. I cant believe how damaged it was now. When I was little it was good and healthy, but it started to get unhealthy when I was older and did my hair by myself. Then I wanted to relax my hair, and also got one. This resulted in dry, breaking and my hair was a lot thinner than before. My hair didn't even get straight. But I'm so happy now. After the failed relaxer attempt I wanted to learn to care for my hair, myself. I searched on websites and blogs on the internet and fell in love with natural hair. So I went to a hairdresser to get my thin straight ends chopped off and left with a TWA. I loved it and at first I just wanted to keep it like that forever. I really really loved it and to care for it and learn about it. Later on length became one of my goals, but I really started to love and learned to care for it there. That's about 2½ years ago now.

Were your friends and family supportive? If not, how were you able to move forward?
So much, I'm so lucky! My dad also took me first to this hair dresser so I could learn about my hair and my mom is also really supportive. They love my natural hair and support me.
Most of my friends support me too, even through not everybody is familiar with natural hair, but most people really like it and only a few who don't. But I guess it's like that everywhere and with everything, but as long as people show respect to your choices.

What is your current hair routine?
Once a week I start with detangling my hair. I use my fingers and a wide toothed comb either dry or spritzed with water and sometimes olive oil too. I then do a pre poo with either some oils and sometimes honey, but I really love ayurvedic powders like kalpi tone, amla, etc. I would love to soon experiment with washing with whole aritha soap nut and shikakai powder. To wash my hair I use either a sulphate free shampoo like Kinky-Curly Come Clean or a do a co-wash with one of my favorites, Garnier Triple Nutrition. I then always deep condition my hair. Right now I'm using Hairveda Sitrinillah Deep Conditioner, which I really like, and it happens that I sometimes do a natural deep conditioner by myself. Once at month I use Cassia Obovata and I switch between clarifying with a clarifying shampoo once at month and avc rinses that I sometimes do a little more often. After washing my hair I style, moisturize and seal the hair through the week as needed.

Do you have any hair goals? What steps are you taking to achieve them?
I would like to grow my hair to full shoulder length-full armpit length when it's in it's natural state. Also my goal always is healthy hair, that's most important for me when it comes to my hair. To get there I just style and take care in a way that's best for my hair. I think I see more growth retaining and surely less shedding with the use of the ayurvedic powders, so that's something I will keep.

What is your fav go-to style for your natural hair? Tell us how you achieve it?
My favorite style is a braid out. I start out with freshly washed, damp hair. Then I add a leave-in conditioner. My favorites now are Komaza Califia Leave-In Conditioner and Kinky-Curly Knot Today. Then I braid about 16-25 braids. My favorites products are Bee Mine Bee Hold Curly Butter with scent of island mango, which smells delicious and Miss Jessies Curly Pudding. I prefer butters and products alike for my out styles. I ordered sample ones of Bee Mine Deja's Hair Milk which I added after adding leave-in and it was really good working with the curly butter. I always twist the ends where I nearly can't braid any longer.

Curly girls have more fun because... Natural hair is beautiful and unique! And it radiates confidence. I also think...No two curls are exactly the same, every curl is unique so you wont find two with exactly the same hair.


  1. helena, ur bench picture is the cutest. love that style on u.

  2. I need that skirt! Also, your hair is lovely!
