
Monday, July 18, 2011

Hair Diary: Christina

About me... Hi, I am Christina, 29 year old Namibian, I am a Poet, Writer, Explorer, Amateur Photographer, Traveler, Eternal student, Friend, Sister, Daughter, Truth seeker, Romantic,Award winning shower singer, budding shoe Fashionista, Namer (I like to give things names) ohhhh and blogger. Here is my little spot

Where do you live? How is the natural hair community there?
Well right now, I live in Sweden, but before I lived in Nigeria and Austria. In all three countries there weren't too many natural heard sisters that I saw when I first moved, but now in Stockholm, I am seeing more and more ladies embrace Natural hair. Natural hair is taking over!!!!!!

When and why did you decide to go natural?
Ok, well, I have been natural on and off for a number of years, I wasn't really into hair that much growing up, so I would go months without a touch up or would have my hair in braids. But I really decided to be fully natural in 09, after my third attempt. My decision was to see it through and see how long I could go with my hair.Being natural now is more than just hair, I am taking better care of my skin, my body. I eat healthier, I drink healthier,I meditate, I exercise.I have taken steps to rid the negative from my life. My spirit is more alive now than better. I have a complete new Holistic approach to me life.

Were your friends and family supportive? If not, were you able to move forward?
I have done some stuff over the years to my hair - dyed red; Black/Blue; some funky light brown color, leave home with shoulder length care and come home with a Toni Braxton - Breathe again, cut!!!!!! So its wasn't such a shock to people who know me, also I had been living in a foreign country so most of my friends back home didn't really know what I had done. In terms of support, the first 2 times I Big Chopped ( I shaved my head) my sister did it with me. So I had a partner in crime. I have now shaved my head three times since 07 and 09 was my last time.

 What is your current hair routine?
Well, my hair and I are at odds, see when I started with my TWA in Nigeria, I would alternate with braids and cornrows and leave it alone. Just washing every other week and a deep condition when I felt like it. This did wonders for my hair. Then I moved to Sweden in 2010 December, so I arrived with braids and I got my YouTube and Blogger on, but its very difficult to find all the ' commercial hair products' that a lot of naturalista are using so I had to do my own research and use what I could get. So I bought some, Jojoba oil, Aloe Vera gel, Argan oil, Shea Butter, Glycerin,Castor oil, Avocado oil, Amla oil and Jasmine hair oil. The only 'commercial' product I have is Fantasia IC styling gel and some Aussie and Herbal Essences products. So I basically, make my own butters, water spritz and hair oils. Its mostly trial and error. Moreover, the last few weeks my hair has been changing - when I started with my hair journey, I knew my natural hair wasn't curly, its more wavy/curly. And as it grows longer it is becoming even more wavy with some parts straight. So unless I add tons of gel to my hair, I don't get a curl. When I wash my hair and leave it air dry, it dry wavy and straight. So I have made a deal with my hair ( we are cool like that) I oil her, co-wash her when necessary, deep condition every other week,, moisturize her every night, keep her in braid/cornrow/ twists, but I just leave her to do what she wants to do without manipulating her. This has been working out for both of us. Luckily for me I embrace change very well. It is what it is.

Do you have any hair goals? What steps are you taking to achieve them?
Well,lol, my original goal was to have lovely curly hair, but that ain't in the script now anymore hahhahahah. So my goal is overall healthy hair in what ever state she grows. I am aiming for bra strap length for this year and waist for next year. From December 09 till March 2011 I didn't trim my hair. After March, I just recently did some dusting of the ends in June. apart from that, I drink tons of water, take come Spirulina tablets ( great for hair and skin and lots of energy), drink Aloe Vera juice 2 daily, exercise, eat right, enough sleep, tie my hair at night, sleep in a hair thingie (old pantyhose - hey I learnt that from my Grandma.And she had great hair)

What is your fav go- to style for your natural hair? Tell us how you achieve it?
Well when my hair decides hold a style, I used to love wash n go's with some gel in it. Also, my hair can be temperamental with a two strand twist. Sometimes it will hold a twist for a few days and then other times only one night. Right now, I just twisted my hair yesterday, so will see how she likes this. Apart from that,I haven't really experimented so much with my hair, I have kept things simple. I recently learned to do my own braids with extensions and Individual hair. So I like to do that.Its a process. A ever learning always changing process.
Curly girls have more fun I am a wavy, very little kinky, not so much coily, even less curly and some parts straight natural girl. But on the real, we have more fun because we have more freedom to express ourselves, we make and break our own rules, we embrace our naturalness, And we smile at other naturals. We seek them out and when we find another Unique Being, we smile warmly because we know the Journey she is on.

Gorgeous sis, thanks for sharing :) -KKQ


  1. Hi, Thank you so much for featuring me on your blog. Am a huge fan on your blog!!!!!!

  2. You go, Chris! *woot* *woot* Your hair is really looking great in spite of being at odds sometimes.

  3. No problem..thank you @AfropeanQueen :)
