
Monday, May 9, 2011

Hair Diary: Kirstin W.

About me...Hi my name is Kirstin. I'm a wife and mother of two~a girl and a boy! Currently I am a stay at home mom and natural hair junkie. I currently reside in Richmond, VA where the natural hair scene is booming. I recently transitioned my daughter, she is 8 and in the 2nd grade, and I'm so proud of the both of us and our curly hair. My husband is my biggest natural hair cheerleader and will talk anyone down from a! I enjoy researching about natural hair, feeling natural hair, and the general natural hair musing. I'm basically glad to be apart of "The Club"!

Where do you live? How is the natural hair community there?
Hi, I currently reside in Richmond, VA! Go VCU! The natural community hear is growing. It's nothing now to see another natural running around. I love how the city has embarrassed "curls". We are starting to get more meetups and it's really been fun watching it grow!

When and why did you decide to go natural?
It was the summer of 2008..I just had enough of my hair looking like everyone else and rocking the trusty, but boring, wrap! I BC'd Jan. 31 2009 and I did my own initial BC, I went to a salon and had it shaped up the next day!

Were your friends and family supportive?
If not, how were you able to move forward? My husband has always been my biggest cheerleader! My mom took awhile, but I'm happy to report that she has transitioned herself! I can't think of one negative statement I got, everybody loves it! But I do know if my maternal grandmother was still alive she would have a lot to say, rest her soul. I could hear her now, "what's going on with your need some money for a perm" LOL! I miss her!

What is your current hair routine?
I wash every 7-10 days, cowash in between when needed! I try to protective style most of the time but with the weather getting warm I'll be rocking more wash/go's. I give my hair moisture (water), every 3-4 days and then seal the moisture with Coconut Oil!

Do you have any hair goals? What steps are you taking to achieve them?
I want healthy, long hair. The health of my hair is the most important, so to achieve my goals I keep it moisturized, I remain gentle with my hair and I never touch it if I'm rushing or angry..LOL!

What is your fav go-to style for your natural hair? Tell us how you achieve it?
My favorite go-to style would have to be my chunky twistout! I had such trouble with twistouts, so when I mastered it, I was hooked. I do about 8 big twists, and bam I've got a fierce style once it dries. At that point, I style my hair how I desire rather it be an updo or down and cascading!

Where can you find me?
I'm on Twitter Jadison03, I have a blog and I'm on Youtube,

Curly girls have more fun because...we have the most versatile hair! I can rock it rolled, tucked, pinned, swooped..etc and my hair will just mold right to what I want it to do at that moment..I love it!

Gorgeous Sis!!