
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Obsessive Kinks: Meet Jasmine Swift

About Me....My name is Jasmine Swift, I'm 22 years old and I am a senior at Old Dominion University majoring in Photography.

Where do you live? How's the natural hair community there?
I live in Norfolk, Virginia. The natural hair community is growing by the day, especially at my college.

When and why did you decide to go natural?
I began transitioning in August 2009 and did the BC in October 2009. My true reason for going natural (in short) was to find the inner me and be set free from all the self-hate I was indulging in while I was relaxed. I came to the realization that I would love to know how my hair really grew out of my head naturally without being chemically straightened.

Were your friends and family supportive of your decision? If not, how were you able to move forward?
My friends and family were very happy for me, they loved the new look and embraced it tremendously.

Describe your hair routine.
My hair routine consist of me simply keeping it simple, I do this only because my hair can not handle too much of anything on it. I co-wash my hair at least three times a month with triple nutrition conditioner by Garnier Fruitis, and I wash it once a month with suave coconut shampoo. To keep my hair moist I use extra virgin coconut oil and/or carrot oil. If my hair feels dry I use glycerin to hydrate it, it leaves my hair feeling very fluffy. 

What are some of your favorite hair products?
My favorite products are coconut oil, shea butter, Oyin "juices and berries" (I love the way it smells) and glycerin.

Do you have any hair goals? What steps are you taking to achieve them?
My ultimate hair goal would be growth, and to achieve this goal I have been doing what I call the "no heat challenge" in the past I would blow my hair out at least twice a month and I'm not saying there is anything wrong with blowing your hair out, however, my hair needed this break. I haven't used my blow dryer in almost two months now, and I have seen a lot of growth.

How has being natural changed you?
When it comes to how has natural hair changed me I have a saying, "my hair doesn't define me, but it did help me find me" meaning that although I love my hair so much, I am just happy that I have accepted the real me and I do not wish to change that for anyone. I found self-love and self-confidence like never before! Natural hair is one of the purest essence of being comfortable with who you really are, just the way God intended. Just like India Arie would say "I know my Creator didn't make no mistakes on me" I couldn't agree more with that sentiment.

What are your top 5 obsessions?
My five obsession are: reading my Bible, photography, vintage clothes hunting, spending time with my love and walking around to view nature (of course when it's not freezing outside lol).

Anything else you would like to add.
I'm also apart of organization with a friend of mine called "Sunflower Sisters." In this organization we help women embrace their natural hair with product sharing, inspirational testimonies of our natural hair journey and all the advice we can give. Outside of that, three of my close friends and I are coming up with a blog called "4 Natural Chicks" which is still under construction but will be up soon. Thank you so much for having me on your blog S. Michelle E. your blog is truly helpful, inspiring and greatly appreciated, please continue to keep up the great work and be blessed :)

Make sure you follow Jasmine on Twitter @NaturallyJSwift or on Facebook Jasmine Free-Spirit Swift.