
Monday, December 6, 2010

Hair Diary: Durelene F.

About Me...

I was born in Haiti, I am a student with finance major, a naturalist, a sister, aunt, daughter and a great friend. I AM OBSESSED with natural hair! I'm from San Diego, California natural community isn’t that big but I see that as an advantage, I always stand out so this helps me stand out more.

When and why did you decide to go natural?

I was tired of constantly being broke with fly weaves, yea my hair always looked good but I could never afford to go out and flaunt it since all my money would be spent on getting my hair done. I needed to do that because I was spending $350 every other month having someone else do my hair?!! When my hair was not in a weave it was relaxed and I started to notice it getting thinner. Enough was enough it was time for me to take my life back, I was tired of the when my hair was not done,  pretending and hoping the weave on my head was really mine, and envying those with real hair that looked like my weave. I wanted to stop buying hair and grow my own.

Were your friends and family supportive? If not, how were you able to move forward?

Friends didn’t believe me at first but when I did it I inspired a lot to go natural as well. Family were shocked and didn’t understand what I was doing (although I explained over and over) but were supportive.

Describe your current routine....Currently I am doing a 2 years braid challenge; I wash weekly and try to co wash 2x weekly but since its colder I try to co wash weekly.

What are your hair goals?

My hair goal is to achieve waist length, HEALTHY hair (stretched) with no split ends by 8.23.13 this will be my 4 year nappiversay. Steps I am taking to achieve this is; lots of protective styles, healthy diet, exercise and keeping my scalp clear of product buildup.

My fav go-to hair style...When hair is out I enjoy experimenting with different styles, I do a lot of updos on stretched hair. But when all fails I love braid outs. I use shea butter to weight hair down, braid hair to desired size leave in for 12hours then unbraid and style.

Curly girls have more fun because....we rock our hair proudly and don’t care what other people think of it.

To see more from Durelene please click the links!

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