
Monday, December 27, 2010

10 Reasons Why Women Should Wear Their Hair Natural....

Archived Post (July 30, 2009)

Last night, while cruising through cyber space, I stumbled upon this interesting article about black women and their natural hair.  So I thought I would share it with you all to hear your opinion on it.  If you have a reason that you'd like to share put in the comment section.  The article was written by A. Hermitt and was posted on Associated, make sure you click the link to read what others had to say about the list.

Some do it for the look, some do it for social reasons, and others do it for professional reasons. Here are the reasons black women should wear their hair in its natural state… Kinky.

10. It grows in that way.  If your creator meant for you to have straight hair it would be straight.

9. You can do fun and versatile things with black hair.  Unlike straight hair, black hair (naturally kinky) can stand straight up, and can be braided into complex designs, can be temporarily straighten without chemicals and worn in its natural state again the next day.

8. It is in style.  Natural black hair is more and more acceptable everyday.  It is just another fashion choice; therefore, there is no reason to go thrrough great pains to change it.

7. Straightening chemicals are dangerous.  If not applied correctly it can cause burns, hair damage, and temporary to permanent hair loss.

6. Hair chemicals are really, dangerous. The food and drug administration says, “Hair relaxers and hair dyes are among its top consumer complaint areas. Complaints range from hair breakage to symptoms warranting an emergency room visit.  Also in February 1994, the FDA and the American Cancer Society released an epidemiology study involving 573,000 women.  Researchers found that women who never used permanent hair dyes showed decreased risk of all fatal cancers combined and of urinary system cancers.

5. You never know when it might go wrong.  Just like food, allergies show up over time, so do hair chemical allergies.  What worked fine two years ago, might cause a bald spot in two years.

4. If it went wrong before, it will very likely happen again. If you had a bad reaction to a perm, do not do it again. Nine times out of 10, the chemicals are just as much to blame as the stylist.

3. Pride: Your hair is an identifying symbol of your race. If you are proud of your race, you should also be proud of your hair.

2. The work place cannot discriminate against your hair. There was a time when wearing an Afro, dreadlocks or braids, your job could say you were going against the dress code. This is illegal. Do not tolerate it. 

1. Time savings: Over time, you will learn to shower, wash your hair and get dressed just like people with straight hair. It is just a matter of time until you find a natural style that works well for you.

Thoughts ??!!??

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