
Friday, October 15, 2010

Former 106th & Park Host "Free" Blogs About Her Natural Hair

Back when 106th & Park was about something, hosts Free and AJ graced my television everyday after school. Never paid too much attention to AJ, it was Free who grab attention of young teens, male and female. Her outfits were on point, the shoes always fierce and the hair ever changing and bold. Back then natural was not a big deal to me...not much of a thought either. However, I admired her look and the confidence she had to be on tv everyday completely owning a look that most women in the industry hid. When I think about it now, back then that was something rare to see. The bloggers over at Naturally Me recently wrote a post about Free and her natural hair, and Free responded with a bog of her own!

Here's a few excerpts for Free's blog that I found interesting....

So here's the background on my hair: I was born with a head full of it (in more ways than one)! My hair is a mixture of my DNA, strong and stubborn in parts (especially on top of my head), soft and curly in other spots, which makes me what hairdressers call an "interesting head". Here's the real on my background: African American, Indian and West Indian.

What does that have to do with my hair? Everything. Because I can wet and it'll get curly, but as it dries up it just rises up to that afro (even when I don't want it to). If I want a straight look for a night (and I mean one night, because the humidity will curl it right back up)I use a blow dryer, flat iron and hairspray to keep it down as long as I can, but I promise you in the AM my hair will be on it's way back to afro.

Now I am a fan of weaves and wigs, especially in this entertainment business. If you don't take care of what GOD gives you will have nothing left. So helllll yeah I weave sometimes and wig sometimes, all depending on my mood. You'll know how I'm feeling any day if you look at my hair. Daring, conservative, funky, crazy, soft, sexy, rebel, even the "Pepe Le Pew" looks work for me. You know why? Because it''s just hair, it's mine, whether it's all mine or not and I shall do whatever I feel like with it....Hmmph!

Free goes on to address mother's with multicultural or highly textured children, as well as an unnamed female entertainer who told her once that she(Free) looked so much more feminine with straight hair....Oh No She DIDN'T lol! Read the rest of Free's blog here

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