
Friday, September 24, 2010

Hair Diary: Victoria E.

About Me...I am a 26 year old wife mother and of two darling little girls I've been natural for a year already it will be 2 yrs in October. I've learned so much about myself and my hair....I have loved this journey.

Where do you live? How is the natural hair community there?

I live in Atlanta! It's great some areas are better than others, but natural hair is accepted and embraced.

When and why did you decide to natural?

I decided to transition while pregnant with my first daughter, when I was 7 months, by wearing ponytails,wigs and braids. I bc'd while freshly prego with my second daughter because my hair was falling out BAD!! I woke up one morning with hair all over my pillow and In my bed, I looked like a Spotted Poodle! After I got over the shock I went straight to the bathroom. I got my hubbies clippers and went straight G.I Jane, I cut all of my hair off and I have never looked back.

Were your friends and family supportive? If not, how were you able to move forward?

My husband thought I was having some weird pregnant hormones and that I lost my mind. After getting over his shock he walked up to me and kissed my shaved head and said "Hi beautiful, I love that you aren't hiding under that hair." Plus he can't keep his hands out of my hair!! My other fam members loved it cause I have alot of natural women that support and love natural hair.

What is your current hair routine?

I am doing a lot of protective styles. I try to leave them in for two weeks, but no longer,I wash with Black Soap shampoo and Dr.Bronner's Peppermint Magic Castle Soap, after that I do DC treatments and hot oil treatments. I don't leave my hair out for longer periods of time I try to retain my length.

Do you have any hair goals?

I used to want long hair down my back. but now I don't care! I only want strong healthy hair and my dc  treatments and protective styles are helping me do just that.

What's you favorite go to hair style? What steps do you take to achieve it?

Fro-Hawk. After doing a dc treatment with EVOO and Honey I wash with Dr.B's castle soap and I condish and detangle with Hello Hydration. After rinsing I add my Kimmaytube Leave-in and Coconut Oil and two strand twist my hair into chunky twists. I give a little extra moisture with my spray bottle of water and  I wrap my hair with my bonnet and sleep. The next morning, I remove the twists with Coconut Oil to reduce frizz.. I use my Eco Styler Gel, water and 5 bobby pins on each side to slick the sides down. Sometimes I add my Popmpador for extra drama..I add my flower or other hair accesories and then I'm done.

Curly girls have more fun because..Curly girls embrace how God has made us by rocking our natural hair...You can't go wrong by loving what GOD made.. "Curly hair don't"

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