
Monday, August 2, 2010

Anita Grant Giveaway!!

"If I can't put an ingredient in my body, I do not want to put it on my body"! -Anita Grant
I am sooo excited about this giveaway! I have never tried this brand before,but I've always been very interested. What's held me back is that the prices are quoted in British Pounds and that currency converter knocks the product junkie right out of me lol! There are many reviews out on the net boasting of how great these products are. The ingredients are yummy, the website is full of useful information about hair care, recipes and tips and tricks for your hair and skin. But what most reviewers comment on is the top notch service that Anita Grant provides and her dedication to not only providing good product, but educating the consumer along the way. Read more about the company HERE!
I've been following Anita on Twitter for a while now and she follows me as well. And one day I was bored and I asked her would she like to partner up for a giveaway and she said yes! I was so suprised that she was excited and wanted to be apart of my little blog. And reward one lucky winner with such a fabulous prize!!
One Lucky Winner Will Receive....
•1 - 100ml of Japanese Camellia Kissi Oil
•1 - 110gram of Unscented Babassu Shamppo Bar
•1 - 110gram of Babassu Organic Kelp and Ylang Shampoo Bar
•3 - 30gram Rhassoul Deep Conditioner Cubes
•1 - 100gram Of Organic Dark Chocolate and Banana Smoothie Face Mask
All together that adds up to $104.06 USD (68.20 GBP) with estimated shipping costs...that's awesome right?!!?  And all you have to do to win this fabulous package is become a member of this blog (member options are in the sidebar) and correctly answer this question....
Which ingredient is clinically tested and proven "effective in stopping hair-fall caused by Seborrheic Dermatitis"?
This question is a tough one so Anita decided to give you guys a cheat sheet, click this link to view it Your answer MUST be the FULL NAME LISTED on the cheat sheet!  Otherwise, it will be incorrect.
The contest begins today and will end Friday, Aug. 6th at 6pm EST. The winner will be randomly selected and announced on Sunday, Aug. 8th!
To submit your answer and be entered into this contest please click HERE!!!
After you have entered the contest, take a minute to watch some fab reviews of Anita Grant products by clicking here and here! Also check out her interview with
Thank you to all those who participated and made this contest a success ♥ KKQ

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