
Friday, July 2, 2010

Hair Diary: Maiya B.

When and why did you decide to go natural?

I have actually attempted to go natural twice before.  The 1st time was when I was 16 after graduating from high school, and the 2nd time was when I was 19 years old.  Neither time did I take the journey to natural hair BLISS as seriously as this 3rd time!  My last perm was in April 2008 and I BC'd in September of 2008 and wore my hair in a mohawk for about a year.  I decided to go natural because I was tired of living my life around my hair.  I just went swimming for the 1st time a couple of weeks ago in YEARS because when I had a perm, I didn't want to mess up my hair.  When I looked back at my childhood pictures when I was permed, I saw my kinky curly hair healthy, full and all the way down my back and said to myself, "THAT is me! This perm is NOT!"  I am putting my foot down and embracing Maiya as God created her!
Were your friends and family supportive of your decision?  If not, how were you able to move forward?

My friends and family were VERY supportive of my decision to go natural.  But honestly, I wouldn't expect anything less from them because I surround myself with people who uplift me and want the best for me.  A bit of advice for new naturals/transitioners- only allow people in your life who will support you in your journey.  You will have good hair days and you will have bad hair days.  Days that you feel absolutely beautiful and days where you think you look CRAZY, lol.  You don't want people in your corner pushing you back to that "creamy crack." You want people to tell you, "Girl! Stick with it! Before you kno it, your hair will be exactly where you want it to be!"  Those are TRUE friends and they will be there for you for more than just a hair disaster.  They will be there for life!
What is your current hair routine?
I usually do a co-wash every 3-4 days.  If I'm being lazy, I co-wash once a week.  I deep condition with a mixture of olive oil, melted shea butter and a little vanilla extract for a light scent, heat it for a hot oil treatment and sleep with it in my hair overnight once every 2 weeks.  Between co-washes, I'll do a twist-out every other day.  I sleep REALLY hard and wild so my styles don't stay for too long, lol.  Or sometimes, I just do a wash-n-go when I'm pressed for time.
What are your hair goals?  What steps are you taking to achieve them?
My hair goals are to have HEALTHY and FULL hair.  I know that if my hair is healthy, length will soon follow. When I started wearing my natural hair out in April (I wore weaves for almost a year), I noticed that my ends were extremely damaged from permanently dying my hair jet black and I had a bit of heat damage from flat ironing my hair when I had straight weaves.  I knew that I HAD to cut the damaged hair off, no matter how much my hair had grown.  So, I got some hair scissors and started cutting.  Then immediately gave myself a deep condition.  I know that the health of my hair is much more important than the length of my hair.  We can have long hair, but if it's not healthy, it will break off and that is way more traumatizing!

I also drink plenty of water. Water is pretty much the only thing I drink actually. When I was 15, I noticed that I had an acne problem and realized that I was drinking 3 sodas a day and attributed my acne breakouts to my soda intake. I stopped sodas cold turkey and was on a strict water diet, lol. I have been drinking nothing but water and cranberry juice ever since. And proper water intake helps wit skin, nails AND hair growth/health.

What new style or technique have you learned this year?


I have learned twist-outs and just 2 days ago, I tried a bantu knot-out on my TWA and I LOVE it!  It wasn't perfect, but it was just my 1st time doing it.  I'm going to do a co-wash and redo my bantu knot-out tonight!

What is your definition of " Good Hair"?

Good hair is HEALTHY hair...Period!

Finish this sentence: Curly girls have more fun because.... 

....because we are FREE!  We aren't confined by our permed hair, living our lives around our next touch up.  If our hair gets wet, oh well!!  We will let our curls SHINE and go on about our day :-)

Gotta love this chick!  For more of Maiya click the links below!

Twitter:  @SipThisMaiTai Tumblr:  iLOVEMAIcurls/ 

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