
Monday, June 14, 2010

Tiny Twists Update: Week 4

This post was written June 12th

I finally got tired of my twists and took them out.  I worked on the back of my head on Thursday and finished up the front on Friday.  It feels so good to have my hair free again! 

After my last twist came out I quickly hopped in the shower to shampoo the 4 weeks of twisted bondage out of my hair.  In 2 sections I shampooed with Suave's Rosemary Mint Shampoo for no particular reason, it was just the first shampoo saw in my cabinet so I said what the heck.  Then I applied Aubrey Organics Green Tea Cream Rinse (review soon) and divided my hair into 4 sections.  On top of that I smooth on Suave's Almond & Shea Butter Moisturizing Conditioner, which is a really good and cheap condish, and covered with a plastic bag.  After about 45 minutes I divided each of the 4 sectrions into 2 sections and began to detangle.  Each time I detagle a section I twisted and made a loose bantu knot to keep the hair from getting tangled again.  Once complete I put the plastic bag back on my head and went to bed.

In the morning as I rinsed with cool water, I could definetly tell that my hair desparately needed this pampering.  Wearing twists for 4 weeks with little to no water applied, could drive you r hair to it's breaking point...literally.  So I'm glad that even though I could have easily gotten 2 more weeks out of the tiny twists,  I knew my hair well enough to say 4 weeks...that's enough!

After the conditioner was all rinsed away I applied Vatika Oil ( I love this stuff) throughout, rinsed a litttle and smoothed a small amount of Giovanni Smooth As Silk Conditioner to each side of my head.  On top of that I raked in Eco Styler (Clear) Gel in small sections for a wash & go.  As you can tell from the pictures below I was a bit heavy handed with the gel this time.  I think I was just excited to have my curls!!

I let my hair air dry for almost an hour. then I sat under my Soft Bonnet Dryer until it was mostly dry.  I can't remember exactly how long I sat under there, I lost track of time tweeting my tweeps on Twitter.  But I think it was around 20-35 minutes.  After that I shook and fluffed and went on my way.  Here's what it looked like all dry....

So happy to have my hair back!!

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