
Friday, May 7, 2010

Hair Diary: Meeka B.

"Thanks for creating an outlet for us kinky/curly girls" - Meeka

When and why did you decide to go natural?

I decided to go natural on a whim on December 23, 2008, with only one month of new growth from my previous relaxer.  The reason I went natural was because I was curious to see my natural texture after having relaxed hair since I was 10 years old.  In addition to satisfying my curiosity, I was tired of spending hours in the salon and tons of money every week to maintain a "finished" look.

Were your friends and family supportive of your decision?  If not, how were you able to move forward?

I really didn't discuss it beforehand since it was a quick decision I made one morning while combing my hair.  When I revealed my new TWA most people had something to say....albeit most of it was negative.  I was able to move forward by having inspiration from viewing hair journeys on Fotki and Youtube.  I also had the intrinsic motivation of having healthy, long, natural that was different.

What is your current hair routine?

I wash my hair with shampoo and condition it once a week.  Afterwards, I style it in twists and twist outs.  Each night I apply my own shea butter/ olive oil mix to the ends and wear a satin scarf to bead.  Currently I have small individual braids by KinkyKurlyQueen.  With this style I still maintain my weekly and nightly routines.

What are your hair goals?  What steps are you taking to schieve them?

My hair goals include having healthy and long natural hair.  I do like to measure the length of my hair and I'm currently at 8 inches long.  I would like to see my hair at 10 inches by the end of this year.  To see my goal come to fruition, I maintain a routine of keeping my hair and scalp clean, moisturized, oiled and protected through various protective styles.

What are some of your favorite hair products?

Honestly, I'm not a product junkie at all and mainly use the following products...

  • Tresemme Shampoo
  • Suave Conditioner
  • Shea Butter
  • Olive Oil
  • Vegetable Glycerin
  • Water

On occasion I like using Kinky Curly Curling Custard and Knot Today for wash and go's.

What is your definition of "Good Hair"?

Good hair is hair that is healthy and properly maintained!

Thank you so much Meeka for sharing your story, to see more of her journey subscribe and watch her videos on Youtube, username NaturallyMeeka.

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