
Monday, March 15, 2010

Hair Diary: Sheena C.

When and why did you decide to go natural?

I always wanted to go natural, but I finally got up the courage to BC on January 19, 2010.

Were your family and friends supportive of your decision?  If not, how were you able to move forward?

My mom was mortified!  Even though I have had short hair before it was always relaxed...but she is coming around.  Especially when I show her blogs like Naturally Obsessed :)   My friends could not believe that I actually went through with the BC beacuse I always said I would transition for at least a year.  I tried that twice and it never worked.  So this time I just went out on a whim and did it :)  Honestly, people at my job are acting a little funny...I really couldn't care less.  My fellow natural co worker came over after work and we cut it all off.  I had brown/blonde highlighted shoulder length relaxed hair and it was shocking at first but I loved it as soon as we were done ♥

What is you current hair routine?

Right now I am wearing a sew in to give my hair a break.  I always took good care of my hair even when it was relaxed, but now I co- wash with Trader Joes or Aubrey Organics.  I really love deep conditioners now and I'm totally into any and everything organic ...

What are your hair goals and what steps are you taking to achieve them?

I just want healthy hair, I know it sounds cliche, but it's true :)  I'm drinking lots of water and taking vitamins and educating myself on sites such as this!  Youtube is a godsend ...

How has your perception of beauty change since going natural?

Before I always measured my beauty by my hair, no matter what I did my hair just wasn't good enough.  Now, it's more than ok to just be "me" the way God made me!!  In my opinion, that is where true beauty lies.

What advice would you give to a new natural?

Black is Beautiful!!  Educate yourself and know that natural hair requires alot of work, but it is well worth it.  Truly loving ourselves requires that we respect and pay homage to our culture on a daily basis.  Your hair is your crown and glory Queens!!!


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