
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hair Diary: S. Johnson

When and why did you decide to go natural?

 I'm so new to this!  My last relaxer was February 27, 2009, I transitioned for 6 months and BC'ed in August.  I remember the last day I got a perm,  I was pissed off at my stylist for taking forever to do my hair, thus making me late picking up my besties from the train station.  I remember saying with conviction "This is the last time she'll be seeing me".  I have not been back to that salon since.  Then I tried another stylist who was more professional than the previous one.  However, I didn't leave her chair feeling like I got my money's worth.  After that I decided that I needed to take care of my own hair.

 For years I pondered the idea of going natural.  I actually tried a couple of times, but I was accustomed to styling relaxed hair, not natural hair.  I always reverted back to the infamous "touch up".  This go round I did a lot more research.  i started googling  (key words: transitional hairstyles) like crazy!  Long story short, I found all my answers on YouTube.  Who would have thunk it?!?

Were your friends and family supportive of your decision?  If not, how were you able to move forward?

My friends and family know that when my mind is REALLY made up, there is no way of convincing me otherwise.  My grandmother and mother probably had the hardest time getting used to seeing me with nappy hair.  My grandmother actually thought my decision to go natural was a tactic to grow long hair.  I remember her asking me " So how long are you going to go without a perm? ".  My response "FOREVER".

Nowadays everyone is pretty supportive.  They are often amazed at how much thicker my hair is now, and the different style options I have with my natural hair.  They can't do that with relaxed hair.  My aunt and grandmother are currently transitioning into natural hair.  I'd like to think of myself as a trendsetter :-)

What is current hair routine?

I'm still trying to figure this one out.  I pretty much wash it whenever I feel like it,  mostly co-wash.  I use only natural or mostly natural products (absolutely no alcohol based products).  I don't use a lot of heat, I may flat iron every now and then.  These days I'm finding my natural curls more appealing than straight hair.

Some of my favorite products are olive oil mousse, coconut oil, water and Eco styling gel.

What are your hair goals?  What steps are you taking to achieve them?

 I can't lie and say that I don't care about length.  I CARE ABOUT LENGTH!  I want my hair to be long, curly and healthy.  I've been making sure that my hair is moisturized, clean and trimmed.  I've also lightened up on using heat.  Recently I've been pondering the idea of getting Sisterlocks.  Sisterlocks are not cheap though, I'm currently working hard and saving money to get them.

How do you protect your hair in cold and warm weather?

In the summer, I wore protective styles like kinky twists or cornrows (with hair added).  Now that its cold I'm letting my hair breathe.  I've been wearing puffs and curly fros.

What is your definition of "Good Hair" ?

 Good hair is the hair that naturally grows out of one's head.  Good hair is free.



Youtube: Ladybaltimore2010

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