
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Brown Sugar Scalp Scrub

If you suffer from dandruff, flaky, itchy or even oily scalp this scrub is said to remove all impurities. The brown sugar will exfoliate the scalp to wipe away dead skin cells that can cause buildup on the scalp. Some have suggested adding a few drops of grape seed or coconut oil to the mixture for added nourishment.

Ingredients :

4 Tablespoons of Brown Sugar

4 Tablespoons of your favorite conditioner

** Amounts may be tweaked depending on the thickness of your hair **

Directions :

Combine brown sugar and conditioner in a bowl and mix well.  Apply to the scalp with your fingers.  Begin to scrub your scalp in a circular motion for a few minutes.  Rinse with cold water then shampoo or condition as normal.

Thoughts ??!!??


  1. I wanna try this...I am so hyped about all these natural homemade hair products...I dont always have the money to spend on the name brand things. I like this idea!

  2. I plan to get locs soon. Would this work as well for those or would it be hard to get out?

  3. You know, I tried it but I tweeked a little. I didn't have much conditioner to be experimenting with so I got about one tblsp of brown sugar, then poured in (not measured) some honey and some EVOO and just mixed it all together. It felt SO grainy and hard and I thought it would be kinda disturbing to my scalp so instead, I used it on my face and it made my face feel SOOO smooth! That's my new homemade exfoliator! I LOVED it! It cleared away dead skin and the honey/evoo combination made my skin like silky smooth. I couldn't stop touching it! So then, I also used the EVOO (like a pea-sized amount) and moisturized my face with it. That EVOO penetrated my skin VERY well! My face was so soft from night til the next morning! I love this recipe! Thanks! (even though it was intentionally for hair =])

  4. Hi! I just tried this and it worked really well. One thing: I really wouldn't recommend using 4 tbsp of conditioner. I used just enough to wet the brown sugar (about 1 tsp) so that it's like a thick paste. Then I massaged it into my scalp, and I had some left over that I used as a body scrub. It works great for that too! Another thing: You're probably going to want to wash your hair twice after applying this.
