
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Updated w/ Clips ....Tyra Banks Talks " Good Hair "

On Tuesday, May 12th Tyra Banks discussed many African Americans obsession with having "Good Hair". 

**Watch and Discuss** If you get a chance to watch the show please come back and share your thoughts.

My Thoughts : The opinions of the guest on this episode were just downright disgusting, ignorant and sad.  Even when I was relaxed and wore a weave I never had those kinds of views about natural haired women.  One of the women even referred to natural hair to that of a chimpanze....Are you serious...  This particular guest was the worst of the bunch for me.  Anyhoo, watching the show just let me know that we still have a lot of work to do in the Black community.  Sigh....

 Here's Miss Banks back in the day ...waaay back....HAHA


  1. I saw the show and all i saw was ignorance, i am like you when i was relaxed i no i didn't have those same kinds of views as those women. I admit to being ignorant in the fact that i thought that relaxing your hair was the only way to go, i never knew their was any other way even though i saw a few naturals here and there. Those ladies really need to be educated and that is what the whole problem is they just don't have the facts and they need to learn about their own hair and what to do with it. It was just really sad to see and painful so see those little girls struggle because the parents just don't understand.

  2. This was a sad show. The views of these women especially the one perming her 3 year old head is disturbing. I think she was just lazy and didn't want to learn how to properly take care of her daughter's hair. I think I may have been lazy in my "permed years". Now that I am natural I feel so much better. I am now being me and not something that I am not. I love being natural and have no problem if an adult wants to perm there hair. That is their damage and their choice, but a child. I wish I never had a perm put in my hair as a child. My hair would be healthier and longer now. If I every have a daughter I will never perm her hair. It will be up to her when she gets older, but I would hope that I have an influence on her decision. I would hope she would love her natural beautiful kinky hair.

  3. urban bohemian hairtylistMay 24, 2009 at 8:07 PM

    wow!!!!!! I am Carina, a licensed cosmetologist and I specialize in natural hair. I should know better being in a salon all day almost everyday, but we are still at this stage in life as black women is crazy . In my opinion, how you style your hair is your business, natural or not i don't care, i do both. But i do try to get my clients to appreciate the texture that God choose for them in an essence to keep their hair as healthy as possible and to learn that changing it is a choice, not a need. learn how your hair works, what your natural hair truly needs and how to work it before you change it, and it may work out better. Kinky hair has wonderful, professional ways to style it and you wash locks more than once every 3 months, my goodness.
