
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Randerykah3 ... Glam Curls Profile

1.Briefly explain your hair routine.

I wash my hair once a month at the beginning of that month (easier to keep track). I then follow up with using my Aphoogee Keratin 2-Minute Re-Constructor treatment. I detangle and then I use my Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In conditioner Repair and coconut oil to style my hair. Either in a twists for an awesome twist out or cornrows for an even cuter braid out. I Co-wash every three to four days. I have started to deep condition my hair now once every week on Mondays. My mix is: My regular conditioner Pantene Prov-V Daily Moisture Renewal, tablespoon of honey, 2 tablespoon of tea tree oil, and coconut oil applied from root to tip on wet hair. I use a heating cap for this process and I leave it on as long as I can. Longest I have left it on was for like 5 hours and the results were great! I trim either every month or every other month when needed.

2. Have you ever regretted your decision to go natural? If so, why?

No I have never regretted. My hair grew back way too fast for me to have changed my mind.

3. What is the best thing about being natural?

When I haven’t done my hair in like four days people still think it looks great. When it is time to redo my hair it doesn’t take long to do. Last and not least, I am totally in control of my hair and I can do whatever I want to it. If I mess it up, I am the one to blame.

4. What 3 products can you not live without?

Coconut Oil

Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioner Repair

Aphogee Keratin 2- Minute Re-Constructor

5. What 3 products would you never buy again?

Anything with mineral oil in it or petroleum. Spritz, gel that flasks and leave white crap in your hair.

6. What makes your curls Glam Curls?

My curls are Glam Curls because they are different from the next chic’s and every strand has its own curl pattern and freeness.

**To learn more about Randerykah's hair journey click the link below**